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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
acellular anatomical structure +  
Anatomical structure that consists of cell parts and cell substances and together does not constitute a cell or a tissue.
anatomical border +  
anatomical group 
anatomical junction +  
anatomical system +  
attachment site +  
baleen plate bristle 
calf +  
cell condensation +  
cell group 
conceptus +  
cortical arch of kidney 
ectoderm-derived structure +  
endoderm-derived structure +  
front hindlimb zeugopod +  
ganglion +  
juxtaglomerular apparatus +  
keratin sheath of horn 
lateral structure +  
material entity in digestive tract +  
mesoderm-derived structure +  
morphological feature +  
multi cell part structure +  
multicellular anatomical structure +  
muscle spindle +  
muscle structure +  
regenerating anatomical structure +  
reticuloendothelial system +  
retroauricular region 
sac +  
septum +  
sex-specific anatomical structure +  
skeletal musculature +  
structure with developmental contribution from neural crest +  
surface structure +  
temple +  
transparent eye structure +  
trophoblast island 
vestigial structure +  
wheel papilla 

Related Synonyms: acellular anatomical structures
Xrefs: AAO:0010268 ;   AEO:0000040 ;   BILA:0000040 ;   CARO:0000040 ;   EHDAA2:0003040 ;   FBbt:00007013 ;   FMA:63863 ;   HAO:0000040 ;   TAO:0000382 ;   TGMA:0001841 ;   XAO:0003162 ;   ZFA:0000382
External Ontologys: present_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33090 ;   present_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ;   present_in_taxon NCBITaxon:4751
Definition Sources:

paths to the root