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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
mobile +  
accessible DNA region +  
amino acid +  
base +  
binding site +  
biosynthetic gene cluster 
cap +  
chromosome part +  
CpG island 
D loop +  
deletion +  
gene +  
gene component region +  
gene group +  
gene member region +  
genetic marker +  
insertion +  
intergenic region 
inversion +  
linkage group 
mobile genetic element +  
A nucleotide region with either intra-genome or intracellular mobility, of varying length, which often carry the information necessary for transfer and recombination with the host genome.
mobile intron 
mutational hotspot 
Okazaki fragment 
oligo U tail 
open chromatin region 
origin of replication +  
polyA sequence +  
polyA site cluster 
polypeptide +  
polypeptide region +  
pseudogene +  
pseudogenic region +  
rearrangement region 
recombination feature +  
repeat region +  
repeat unit +  
replicon +  
restriction enzyme region +  
sequence motif +  
sequence secondary structure +  
substitution +  
transcript region +  
unit of gene expression +  

Exact Synonyms: INSDC_feature:mobile_element ;   MGE ;   mobile genetic element
Xrefs: "wiki"
Definition Sources: PMID:14681355

paths to the root