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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
decreased circulating alanine transaminase level  
decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level  
decreased circulating amylase level  
decreased circulating arginase level 
decreased circulating aspartate transaminase level  
decreased circulating creatine kinase level  
decreased circulating factor IX level  
decreased circulating factor X level 
decreased circulating factor XI level 
decreased circulating factor XII level 
decreased circulating factor XIII level 
decreased circulating glutamate dehydrogenase level 
decreased circulating lactate dehydrogenase level  
decreased circulating lipase level  
decreased circulating renin level  
reduced blood level of the enzyme which is secreted by the kidney and cleaves a bond in angiotensionogen to generate angiotensin I
increased circulating renin level  

Exact Synonyms: reduced circulating renin level
Definition Sources: MESH:D08.811.277.656.300.066.780, NCBI:matt

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