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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal palmar dermatoglyphics +   
Excessive wrinkling of palmar skin +   
Facial telangiectasia +   
Fingerpad telangiectases  
Palmar edema 
Palmar hyperhidrosis +   
Palmar hyperkeratosis +   
Palmar hyperlinearity  
Palmar pits  
Palmar telangiectasia  
The presence of telangiectases on the skin of palm of hand.
Palmar warts  
Palmoplantar blistering  
Palmoplantar cutis gyrata  
Periungual teleangiectasia 
Plantar telangiectasia  
Spider hemangioma  
Telangiectases producing 'marbled' skin 
Telangiectasia of extensor surfaces  
Telangiectasia of the ear 

Exact Synonyms: Telangiectases of palms and soles ;   Teleangiectases of palms
Alternate IDs: HP:0007399
Xrefs: UMLS:C4020948
Definition Sources:

paths to the root