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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Air bronchogram  
Air crescent 
Air trapping 
Apical pulmonary opacity 
Atelectasis +   
Beaded septum sign 
Continuous diaphragm sign 
Expiratory air trapping 
Mass on thoracic imaging +   
Mosaic attenuation pattern in lung 
Organizing pneumonia  
Progressive massive fibrosis 
Pulmonary blood flow redistribution 
Pulmonary cavity +  
A gas-filled space, seen as lucency or low-attenuation area, within a nodule, mass or area of parenchymal consolidations. It has a clearly defined wall over 4 mm thick.
Pulmonary imaging sign +  
Pulmonary infiltrates +   
Pulmonary interstitial high-resolution computed tomography abnormality +   
Pulmonary mycetoma 
Pulmonary nodule +   
Pulmonary oligemia 
Pulmonary opacity +   
Pulmonary pseudocavity 

Exact Synonyms: Pulmonary cavern ;   Pulmonary cavitation
Definition Sources: PMID:18195376, PMID:18400799, PMID:29518379

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