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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal femur morphology +   
Abnormal fibula morphology +   
Abnormal foot bone ossification +   
Abnormal metatarsal morphology +   
Abnormalities of the metatarsal bones (i.e. of five tubular bones located between the tarsal bones of the hind- and mid-foot and the phalanges of the toes).
Abnormal tibia morphology +   
Abnormal toe morphology +   
Abnormality of dorsoventral patterning of the limbs 
Abnormality of the Achilles tendon +   
Abnormality of the plantar skin of foot +   
Abnormality of the tarsal bones +   
Ankylosis of feet small joints  
Aplasia/Hypoplasia involving bones of the feet +   
Aplasia/hypoplasia involving bones of the lower limbs +   
Autoamputation of foot  
Broad foot  
Broad phalanx of the toes +   
Duplication involving bones of the feet +   
Equinovarus deformity  
Foot asymmetry 
Foot joint contracture +   
Foot osteomyelitis  
Fractured hindlimb bone +  
Fractured lateral malleolus of fibula 
Long foot  
Medial deviation of the foot  
Medial rotation of the medial malleolus  
Narrow foot  
Osteolysis involving bones of the feet +   
Osteolysis involving bones of the lower limbs +   
Pes cavus  
Pes planus +   
Pes valgus  
Positional foot deformity +   
Prominent subcalcaneal fat pad  
Short metatarsal +   
Split foot  
Structural foot deformity  
Synostosis involving bones of the feet +   
Synostosis involving bones of the lower limbs +   

Exact Synonyms: Abnormality of the long bone of foot
Xrefs: UMLS:C4025745
Definition Sources:

paths to the root