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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
ADP:phosphate antiporter activity  
Enables the transfer of ADP from one side of a membrane to the other according to the reaction: ADP(out) + phosphate(in) = ADP(in) + phosphate(out).
ATP:ADP antiporter activity  
ATP:phosphate antiporter activity  
glycerol-phosphate:phosphate antiporter activity 
glycerone phosphate:phosphate antiporter activity 
hexose-phosphate:phosphate antiporter activity +   
phosphoenolpyruvate:phosphate antiporter activity 
triose-phosphate:phosphate antiporter activity +  

Exact Synonyms: ADP:inorganic phosphate antiporter activity
Xrefs: RHEA:65844
Definition Sources: PMID:15123600

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