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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
meiotic nuclear division +   
mitotic nuclear division +   
negative regulation of autophagy of mitochondrion +   
negative regulation of chloroplast fission 
negative regulation of chromosome organization +   
negative regulation of cristae formation 
negative regulation of cytoskeleton organization +   
negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum tubular network organization 
negative regulation of endosome organization +   
negative regulation of lipid droplet fusion  
negative regulation of lysosome organization  
negative regulation of melanosome organization 
negative regulation of mitochondrial fission  
negative regulation of mitochondrial fusion  
negative regulation of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization involved in apoptotic signaling pathway  
negative regulation of nuclear division +   
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of nuclear division, the partitioning of the nucleus and its genetic information.
negative regulation of organelle assembly +   
negative regulation of phagosome maturation 
negative regulation of postsynaptic density organization +   
negative regulation of protein insertion into mitochondrial outer membrane 
negative regulation of release of cytochrome c from mitochondria  
negative regulation of secretory granule organization 
negative regulation of spermatid nuclear differentiation 
negative regulation of vacuole fusion, non-autophagic 
negative regulation of vesicle fusion +   
positive regulation of nuclear division +   
regulation of meiotic nuclear division +   
regulation of mitotic nuclear division +   
regulation of nuclear division +   

Exact Synonyms: down regulation of nuclear division ;   downregulation of nuclear division
Narrow Synonyms: inhibition of nuclear division
Definition Sources: GOC:ai

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