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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
alpha-zeacarotene biosynthetic process 
beta-carotene biosynthetic process 
beta-zeacarotene biosynthetic process 
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of beta-zeacarotene.
beta-zeacarotene catabolic process 
delta-carotene biosynthetic process 
lycopene biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of carotenoid biosynthetic process 
phytoene biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of carotenoid biosynthetic process 
xanthophyll biosynthetic process +   
zeaxanthin bis(beta-D-glucoside) biosynthetic process 

Exact Synonyms: beta-zeacarotene anabolism ;   beta-zeacarotene biosynthesis ;   beta-zeacarotene formation ;   beta-zeacarotene synthesis
Definition Sources: GOC:TermGenie, GOC:yaf, PMID:3710717, UniPathway:UPA00805

paths to the root