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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
protein secretion +     
adiponectin secretion +   
amylase secretion +   
basolateral protein secretion  
The controlled release of proteins from a cell at the sides which interface adjacent cells and near the base.
BMP secretion +  
insulin secretion +   
matrix metallopeptidase secretion +   
negative regulation of protein secretion +   
pancreatic trypsinogen secretion +   
positive regulation of protein secretion +   
prolactin secretion +   
protein secretion by platelet  
protein secretion by the type I secretion system 
protein secretion by the type II secretion system 
protein secretion by the type III secretion system 
protein secretion by the type IV secretion system 
protein secretion by the type V secretion system 
protein secretion by the type VI secretion system 
protein secretion by the type VII secretion system 
regulation of protein secretion +   
renin secretion into blood stream +   
secretion of lysosomal enzymes +   
Wnt protein secretion +   

Definition Sources: GOC:ha, PMID:27404358

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