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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
amphisome-lysosome fusion 
autophagosome-endosome fusion  
autophagosome-lysosome fusion +   
endosomal vesicle fusion +   
Golgi vesicle fusion to target membrane +   
late endosome to lysosome transport via multivesicular body sorting pathway  
multivesicular body-lysosome fusion  
The organelle membrane fusion process in which the membrane of a multivesicular body fuses with a lysosome to create a hybrid organelle.
negative regulation of vesicle fusion +   
phagosome-lysosome fusion +   
positive regulation of vesicle fusion +   
proacrosomal vesicle fusion  
regulation of lysosomal membrane permeability +   
regulation of vesicle fusion +   
secretory granule-lysosome fusion 
SNARE complex assembly +   
vesicle fusion to plasma membrane +   
vesicle fusion with endoplasmic reticulum +  
vesicle fusion with endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) membrane +  
vesicle fusion with Golgi apparatus +   
vesicle fusion with Golgi cis cisterna membrane +  
vesicle fusion with nuclear membrane involved in mitotic nuclear envelope reassembly 
vesicle fusion with peroxisome 
vesicle fusion with vacuole  
vesicle fusion with vesicle  

Exact Synonyms: MVB-lysosome fusion ;   fusion of MVB to lysosome ;   fusion of multivesicular body to lysosome
Related Synonyms: endosome-lysosome fusion ;   late endosome-lysosome fusion
Definition Sources: GOC:dph, GOC:pad, GOC:PARL, PMID:21118109

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