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Ontology Browser

ligase activity, forming carbon-carbon bonds (GO:0016885)
Annotations: Rat: (7) Mouse: (7) Human: (7) Chinchilla: (7) Bonobo: (7) Dog: (7) Squirrel: (7) Pig: (7) Naked Mole-rat: (7) Green Monkey: (7)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
ligase activity +     
delta-(L-alpha-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine synthetase activity 
ligase activity, forming carbon-carbon bonds +   
Catalysis of the joining of two molecules via a carbon-carbon bond, with the concomitant hydrolysis of the diphosphate bond in ATP or a similar triphosphate.
ligase activity, forming carbon-nitrogen bonds +   
ligase activity, forming carbon-oxygen bonds +   
ligase activity, forming carbon-sulfur bonds +   
ligase activity, forming nitrogen-metal bonds +  
ligase activity, forming phosphoric ester bonds +   
O antigen ligase activity 
proton-transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism  
sodium-transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism 

Xrefs: EC:6.4
Definition Sources: EC:6.4.-.-

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