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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
ISWI-type complex +     
ACF complex  
CERF complex  
Isw1 complex +  
NoRC complex  
NURF complex  
An ISWI complex that contains an ATPase subunit of the ISWI family (SNF2L in mammals), a NURF301 homolog (BPTF in humans), and additional subunits, though the composition of these additional subunits varies slightly with species. NURF is involved in regulation of transcription from TRNA polymerase II promoters.
RSF complex  
WICH complex  

Exact Synonyms: nucleosome remodeling factor complex
Definition Sources: GOC:bf, GOC:krc, PMID:10779516, PMID:11279013, PMID:15284901, PMID:16568949, PMID:21810179

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