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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
lymphoma +    
adult lymphoma +  
AIDS-Related Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma 
B-cell neoplasm +  
bladder lymphoma 
breast lymphoma +  
composite lymphoma 
extranodal nasal NK/T cell lymphoma 
eye lymphoma +  
gastrointestinal lymphoma +  
heart lymphoma 
Hodgkins lymphoma +  
Immunoblastic Lymphadenopathy 
A disorder characterized by proliferation of arborizing small vessels, prominent immunoblastic proliferations and amorphous acidophilic interstitial material. Clinical manifestations include fever, sweats, weight loss, generalized lymphadenopathy and frequently hepatosplenomegaly.
lung lymphoma +  
mediastinal malignant lymphoma +  
nasal cavity lymphoma 
non-Hodgkins lymphoma +  
ovarian lymphoma 
pediatric lymphoma +  
primary organ-specific lymphoma +  
prostate lymphoma 
retroperitoneal lymphoma 
tracheal lymphoma 
unspecified peripheral T-cell lymphoma 
ureteral lymphoma 

Xrefs: DOID:9004253 ;   MeSH:D007119

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