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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
alveolar soft part sarcoma +  
autoimmune disorder of gastrointestinal tract +  
basaloid squamous cell carcinoma +  
benign digestive system neoplasm +  
caudal duplication 
chemotherapy-induced gastrointestinal mucositis 
Chilaiditi Syndrome 
colon diverticulum 
common mesentery 
congenital enteropathy due to enteropeptidase deficiency 
Cronkhite-Canada syndrome 
diarrheal disease +  
digestive duplication 
Digestive System Adenoma +  
digestive system cancer +  
digestive system infectious disorder +  
digestive system neuroendocrine neoplasm +  
disease of peritoneum +  
diverticulosis of bowel, hernia, and retinal detachment 
dysplastic oral keratinocyte 
enterocolitis +  
epiglottitis +  
esophageal disease +  
gastric outlet obstruction 
gastroesophageal disease 
gastrointestinal disease +  
A disease that occurs in the gastrointestinal system, excluding the hepatobiliary system.
gastrointestinal polyp +  
gastrointestinal ulceration, recurrent, with dysfunctional platelets 
Genetic digestive tract tumor +  
growth retardation-mild developmental delay-chronic hepatitis syndrome 
hepatobiliary disease +  
hereditary mixed polyposis syndrome 
hyperplastic polyposis syndrome +  
intestinal disease +  
juvenile polyposis syndrome +  
lingual thyroid 
mouth disease +  
Moyamoya disease with early-onset achalasia 
nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma 
nasopharyngitis +  
neoplasm of oropharynx +  
pancreas disease +  
peptic ulcer disease +  
peritonitis +  
Salivary Gland Acinic Cell Carcinoma 
small intestine enteropathy 
splenic infarction 
stomach disease +  
stomach diverticulum 
thoraco-abdominal enteric duplication 
tonsillitis +  
umbilical cord ulceration-intestinal atresia syndrome 

Xrefs: DOID:77

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