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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
hemangioma +     
acquired hemangioma 
arteriovenous malformation +   
Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome  
benign breast adenomyoepithelioma 
benign breast phyllodes tumor 
benign eccrine breast spiradenoma 
benign mammary dysplasia 
breast adenoma +  
breast cyst +   
breast fibroadenoma +   
breast fibroadenosis 
breast fibrocystic disease +   
breast hemangioma +  
A breast benign neoplasm that is characterized by a collection of excess blood vessels. (DO)
breast hyperplasia +  
breast intraductal papillomatosis 
breast juvenile papillomatosis 
breast leiomyoma 
breast lipoma 
breast myofibroblastoma 
breast neuroendocrine neoplasm  
capillary hemangioma +   
cavernous hemangioma +   
central nervous system hemangioma +   
Central Nervous System Venous Angioma  
Cutaneous Hemangiomatosis with Associated Features 
deep angioma +  
Disseminated Hemangiomatosis 
glomeruloid hemangioma 
hemangioblastoma +   
Hemangioendothelioma +   
hemangioma of intra-abdominal structure +   
hemangioma of lung +  
hemangioma of orbit 
hemangioma of peripheral nerve 
Hemangiomas of Small Intestine 
Hereditary Neurocutaneous Angioma 
histiocytoid hemangioma +  
hobnail hemangioma 
intracranial structure hemangioma +  
intraductal breast benign neoplasm +  
Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome +   
Littoral Cell Angioma of the Spleen 
nipple benign neoplasm +  
Pascual Castroviejo Syndrome 
rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma 
sclerosing hemangioma +  
skin hemangioma +   
Spinal Arterial Venous Malformations with Cutaneous Hemangiomas 
spindle cell hemangioma 
Sturge-Weber syndrome +   
subglottic angioma 
Tufted Angioma  
venous hemangioma 

Exact Synonyms: Angioma of the breast ;   hemangioma of breast
Primary IDs: RDO:9004245
Xrefs: NCI:C5353
Definition Sources: "DO" "DO"

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