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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adenoma +     
adenofibroma +  
adenomatoid tumor +   
Adenomatous Polyps +   
adrenal adenoma +   
adrenal rest tumor 
Bartholin's gland adenoma 
benign breast adenomyoepithelioma 
benign breast phyllodes tumor 
benign eccrine breast spiradenoma 
benign mammary dysplasia 
bile duct adenoma +   
breast adenoma +  
A breast benign neoplasm that is has_material_basis_in epithelial tissue in which tumor cells form glands or glandlike structures. (DO)
breast cyst +   
breast fibroadenoma +   
breast fibroadenosis 
breast fibrocystic disease +   
breast hemangioma +  
breast hyperplasia +  
breast intraductal papillomatosis 
breast juvenile papillomatosis 
breast leiomyoma 
breast lipoma 
breast myofibroblastoma 
breast neuroendocrine neoplasm  
cecum adenoma 
clear cell adenoma 
colon adenoma  
colorectal adenoma  
cystadenoma +   
duodenum adenoma 
eccrine papillary adenoma 
Familial Cystic Parathyroid Adenomatosis  
Fibroadenoma +   
gallbladder adenoma 
gastrointestinal adenoma 
hepatocellular adenoma +   
hidradenoma +  
Hyperparathyroidism 2  
infiltrating nipple syringomatous adenoma 
intraductal breast benign neoplasm +  
Islet Cell Adenoma +   
large intestine adenoma 
lung adenoma +   
Mesothelioma +   
microcystic adenoma 
middle ear adenoma 
minor vestibular glands adenoma 
mixed cell adenoma 
nephrogenic adenoma +  
nipple benign neoplasm +  
oxyphilic adenoma +   
Pancreatic Adenoma +   
pancreatic intraductal papillary-mucinous adenoma 
papillary adenoma +  
parathyroid adenoma +   
periampullary adenoma  
pituitary adenoma +   
pleomorphic adenoma  
prostatic adenoma 
rectal adenoma 
renal adenoma +   
rete ovarii adenoma +  
rete testis adenoma 
Somatic Leydig Cell Adenoma, with Male-Limited Precocious Puberty  
thyroid adenoma +   
urethral villous adenoma 
vaginal adenoma +  
villous adenoma +   
water-clear cell adenoma 
Wolffian adnexal neoplasm 
Wolffian duct adenoma 

Exact Synonyms: ademoma - breast
Xrefs: NCI:C40382
Definition Sources: "DO" "DO"

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