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Ontology Browser

Pulmonary Fibrosis and/or Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome, Telomere-Related (DOID:9008357)
Annotations: Rat: (18) Mouse: (19) Human: (21) Chinchilla: (17) Bonobo: (17) Dog: (16) Squirrel: (17) Pig: (17) Naked Mole-rat: (17) Green Monkey: (17)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
aplastic anemia +   
Congenital Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes +   
diffuse pulmonary fibrosis  
Hereditary Fibrosing Poikiloderma with Tendon Contractures, Myopathy, and Pulmonary Fibrosis  
Immunodeficiency, Gonadal Dysgenesis, and Pulmonary Fibrosis 
interstitial lung disease 2  
localized pulmonary fibrosis 
postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis 
Pulmonary Fibrosis and/or Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome, Telomere-Related +   

Exact Synonyms: Pulmonary Fibrosis and/or Bone Marrow Failure, Telomere-Related
Xrefs: OMIM:PS614742

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