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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
medulloblastoma +     
adult medulloblastoma 
brain stem medulloblastoma 
cerebellar medulloblastoma +   
cerebellar vermis medulloblastoma 
childhood medulloblastoma 
desmoplastic/nodular medulloblastoma  
A medulloblastoma that is characterized by the presence of nodular, collagenous areas which do not contain reticulin, surrounded by hypercellular areas which contain an intercellular reticulin fiber network. (DO)
large cell medulloblastoma 
medulloblastoma non-WNT/non-SHH +   
medulloblastoma SHH activated +   
medulloblastoma WNT activated  
melanotic medulloblastoma 

Exact Synonyms: nodular medulloblastoma
Xrefs: NCI:C4956 ;   NCI:C5407
Definition Sources: "DO" "DO", "DO" "DO"

paths to the root