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right kidney wet weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0001953)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
left kidney wet weight to body weight ratio  
right kidney wet weight to body weight ratio  
A calculated measurement in which the weight after removal from the body but without desiccation of only the single right kidney is divided by the total weight of the body and presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percent, thus normalizing it to body weight and by extension to the size of the organism. The right kidney is the organ which lies on the right side of the body from the perspective of the subject.

Exact Synonyms: individual right kidney wet weight to body weight ratio
Definition Sources: American_Heritage:The_American_Heritage_Medical_Dictionary_2007, Dorland:Dorlands_Illustrated_Medical_Dictionary--31st_Ed, ISBN:978-1416049982

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