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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
calorie intake measurement +   
drink intake measurement +   
The quantification of any parameter related to the process whereby drink, any liquid that is brought into the mouth and swallowed to quench thirst, for nourishment, etc., is taken in for utilization by the body.
food intake measurement +   

Exact Synonyms: beverage consumption measurement
Narrow Synonyms: artificially sweetened beverage consumption measurement ;   bitter alcoholic beverage consumption measurement ;   bitter beverage consumption measurement ;   bitter non-alcoholic beverage consumption measurement ;   grapefruit juice consumption measurement ;   non-grapefruit juice consumption measurement ;   sugar sweetened beverage consumption measurement ;   sweet beverage consumption measurement ;   tea consumption measurement
Xrefs: EFO:0010088 ;   EFO:0010089 ;   EFO:0010090 ;   EFO:0010091 ;   EFO:0010092 ;   EFO:0010093 ;   EFO:0010094 ;   EFO:0010095 ;   EFO:0010096 ;   EFO:0010097
Definition Sources: Dorland:Dorlands_Illustrated_Medical_Dictionary--31st_Ed, "YourDictionary" "YourDictionary", ISBN:978-1416049982

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