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The Sequence Types and Features Ontology (SO) is downloaded weekly from the SourceForge CVS repository at For more information about this ontology, see the Sequence Ontology Home Page at

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Accession:SO:0001477 term browser browse the term
Definition:A gene trap construct is a type of engineered plasmid which is designed to integrate into a genome and produce a fusion transcript between exons of the gene into which it inserts and a reporter element in the construct. Gene traps contain a splice acceptor, do not contain promoter elements for the reporter, and are mutagenic. Gene traps may be bicistronic with the second cassette containing a promoter driving an a selectable marker.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: gene trap construct

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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  SO ontology 0
    sequence_attribute 0
      feature_attribute 0
        engineered 0
          engineered_plasmid 0
            gene_trap_construct 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  SO ontology 0
    sequence_feature 0
      region 0
        biological_region 0
          replicon 0
            plasmid 0
              engineered_plasmid 0
                gene_trap_construct 0
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