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Term:hemorrhagic disease
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Accession:EFO:MONDO:0002243 term browser browse the term
Definition:Spontaneous or near spontaneous bleeding caused by a defect in clotting mechanisms (blood coagulation disorders) or another abnormality causing a structural flaw in the blood vessels (hemostatic disorders).
Synonyms:exact_synonym: bleeding diathesis;   bleeding disorder;   bleeding predisposition;   bleeding tendency;   hemorrhagic diathesis
 alt_id: MONDO:0002243
 xref: DOID:2213;   ICD9:287.9;   MESH:D006474;   NCI:C115221

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  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          hematologic disease 0
            hemorrhagic disease 0
              East Texas bleeding disorder 0
              acquired hemophilia + 0
              acquired von willebrand syndrome 0
              alpha-2-plasmin inhibitor deficiency 0
              combined deficiency of factor V and factor VIII + 0
              congenital factor V deficiency 0
              congenital factor XI deficiency 0
              congenital factor XII deficiency 0
              congenital factor XIII deficiency + 0
              congenital fibrinogen deficiency + 0
              congenital high-molecular-weight kininogen deficiency 0
              congenital plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 deficiency 0
              congenital vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors deficiency + 0
              factor VII deficiency + 0
              factor X deficiency + 0
              fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia 0
              hemophilia A + 0
              hemophilia B + 0
              hemorrhagic disease due to alpha-1-antitrypsin Pittsburgh mutation 0
              hereditary von Willebrand disease + 0
              inherited bleeding disorder, platelet-type + 0
              inherited prekallikrein deficiency 0
              multiple sclerosis-ichthyosis-factor VIII deficiency syndrome 0
              prothrombin deficiency + 0
              purpura + 0
              thrombomodulin-related bleeding disorder 0
              vascular hemostatic disease + 0
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