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Term:Hyperplastic Polyp
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Accession:EFO:1000299 term browser browse the term
Definition:A polyp found mainly in the stomach and colon. Microscopically, it is characterized by elongated, serrated crypts lined by proliferative epithelium. Hyperplastic polyps are traditionally considered non-neoplastic, but ras mutation is common, clonality has been demonstrated and biochemical abnormalities and epidemiological associations that occur in colorectal adenomas and carcinomas have been found (WHO Tumors of the Digestive System, 2000).
Synonyms:exact_synonym: HP;   MP;   metaplastic polyp
 xref: MONDO:0006249;   MedDRA:10073705;   NCI:C4083;   UMLS:C0333983
 external_ontology: disease_has_location EFO:UBERON:0001007

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  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
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        disease 0
          digestive system disease 0
            gastrointestinal disease 0
              Hyperplastic Polyp 0
                Appendix Hyperplastic Polyp 0
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