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Term:triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage
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Accession:EFO:0022332 term browser browse the term
Definition:Quantification of triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL.
Comment:To be reviewed for inclusion in OBA.
Synonyms:xref: VT:0010700

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triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS672245_H phospholipids:total lipids ratio QTL GWAS672245 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr16:56,951,602...56,951,603 JBrowse link
Q GWAS727153_H cholesteryl esters to total lipids in small VLDL percentage QTL GWAS727153 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr 9:133,274,295...133,274,296 JBrowse link
Q GWAS745435_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS745435 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr 2:21,009,323...21,009,324 JBrowse link
Q GWAS745952_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS745952 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr 8:125,494,452...125,494,453 JBrowse link
Q GWAS745954_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS745954 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr15:58,276,195...58,276,196 JBrowse link
Q GWAS745956_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS745956 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr15:58,387,469...58,387,470 JBrowse link
Q GWAS745964_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS745964 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr15:58,446,224...58,446,225 JBrowse link
Q GWAS745966_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS745966 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr16:56,614,463...56,614,464 JBrowse link
Q GWAS745967_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS745967 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr16:57,015,225...57,015,226 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746182_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746182 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr17:69,085,137...69,085,138 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746185_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746185 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr19:11,086,585...11,086,586 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746187_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746187 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr16:67,964,017...67,964,018 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746189_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746189 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr19:44,938,650...44,938,651 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746191_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746191 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr20:45,923,216...45,923,217 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746192_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746192 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr22:43,928,975...43,928,976 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746739_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746739 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr 5:75,322,361...75,322,362 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746740_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746740 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr 6:32,666,940...32,666,941 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746742_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746742 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr 6:160,395,377...160,395,378 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746743_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746743 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr 6:160,564,494...160,564,495 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746744_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746744 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr 7:993,169...993,170 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746745_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746745 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr 8:19,966,981...19,966,982 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746927_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746927 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr 1:55,039,974...55,039,975 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746928_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746928 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr 1:109,278,889...109,278,890 JBrowse link
Q GWAS746930_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS746930 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr 1:182,150,197...182,150,198 JBrowse link
Q GWAS898332_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS898332 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr14:94,378,610...94,378,611 JBrowse link
Q GWAS898333_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS898333 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr11:126,355,981...126,355,982 JBrowse link
Q GWAS908294_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS908294 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr17:66,214,462...66,214,463 JBrowse link
Q GWAS908296_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS908296 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr19:11,165,166...11,165,167 JBrowse link
Q GWAS908893_H triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS908893 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36764567 NCBI chr19:44,908,684...44,908,685 JBrowse link

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  experimental factor 510439
    information entity 419166
      measurement 419112
        lipid or lipoprotein measurement 71998
          lipid measurement 69145
            triglyceride measurement 11599
              triglycerides to total lipids in large VLDL percentage 29
paths to the root