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Term:aggressive periodontitis
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Accession:EFO:0006342 term browser browse the term
Definition:A localized aggressive periodontitis, formerly called localized juvenile periodontitis. It is a destructive form of periodontitis characterized by ALVEOLAR BONE LOSS of the MOLARS and INCISORS. Inflammation and loss of PERIODONTIUM that is characterized by rapid attachment loss and bone destruction in the presence of little local factors such as DENTAL PLAQUE and DENTAL CALCULUS. This highly destructive form of periodontitis often occurs in young people and was called early-onset periodontitis, but this disease also appears in old people. A periodontitis that is characterized by rapid attachment loss and bone destruction in the presence of little local factors such as dental plaque and dental calculus resulting in inflammation and a loss of periodontium.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: Circumpubertal Periodontitis;   Early-Onset Periodontitis;   Periodontoses;   Periodontosis;   periodontitis 1, juvenile;   periodontitis, aggressive, type 1
 related_synonym: periodontitis, aggressive, 1;   periodontitis, juvenile;   periodontitis, prepubertal
 xref: DOID:1474;   HP:0000166;   ICD9:523.5;   MESH:D010520;   MONDO:0008226;   OMIM:170650;   SNOMEDCT:449908004;   UMLS:C4551681

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  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          chronic disease 0
            chronic periodontitis 0
              aggressive periodontitis 0
Path 2
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  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          musculoskeletal system disease 0
            skeletal system disease 0
              tooth disease 0
                periodontal disorder 0
                  periodontitis 0
                    chronic periodontitis 0
                      aggressive periodontitis 0
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