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Term:hematologic disease
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Accession:EFO:0005803 term browser browse the term
Definition:A disease involving the hematopoietic system. Disorders of the blood and blood forming tissues.
Comment:placeholder for lymphoid disease
Synonyms:exact_synonym: Hematologic Diseases;   blood disease;   blood disorder;   blood dyscrasia;   disease of haematopoietic system;   disease of hematopoietic system;   disease of the blood and blood-forming organs;   disease or disorder of haematopoietic system;   disease or disorder of hematopoietic system;   disorder of haematopoietic system;   disorder of hematopoietic system;   haematological disease;   haematological disorder;   haematological system disease;   haematological system disorder;   haematopoietic disease;   haematopoietic system disease;   haematopoietic system disease or disorder;   hematologic and lymphocytic disorder;   hematologic disorder;   hematological disease;   hematological disorder;   hematological system disease;   hematological system disorder;   hematopoietic disease;   hematopoietic system disease;   hematopoietic system disease or disorder;   rare hematologic disease
 related_synonym: haematological disorders and malignancies;   hematological disorders and malignancies
 xref: DOID:74;   GTR:AN1320635;   HP:0001871;   ICD10:D75;   ICD10CM:D50-D89;   ICD9:280-289.99;   ICD9:289.8;   ICD9:289.9;   MESH:D006402;   MONDO:0005570;   MP:0002396;   NANDO:1100006;   NANDO:2100175;   NCI:C26323;   ORDO:97992;   SCTID:414022008;   UMLS:C0018939
 external_ontology: disease_has_location EFO:UBERON:0002390;   in_taxon EFO:NCBITaxon:9606

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  experimental factor 0
    material property 0
      disposition 0
        disease 0
          hematologic disease 0
            Bloom syndrome 0
            GATA1-Related X-Linked Cytopenia + 0
            Hematological disorder with renal involvement + 0
            L-ferritin deficiency 0
            Rare genetic hematologic disease + 0
            alpha thalassemia-intellectual disability syndrome type 1 0
            alpha-thalassemia-myelodysplastic syndrome 0
            anemia + 0
            autoimmune disorder of blood + 0
            blood coagulation disease + 0
            blood disease + 0
            blood group incompatibility + 0
            blood platelet disease + 0
            bone marrow disorder + 0
            congenital hematological disorder + 0
            deafness-lymphedema-leukemia syndrome 0
            erythrocyte disorder + 0
            hematological toxicity 0
            hematopoietic and lymphoid system neoplasm + 0
            hemorrhagic disease + 0
            hyperamylasemia 0
            leukocyte disorder + 0
            lymphangitis 0
            monoclonal gammopathy + 0
            paraneoplastic hematological syndrome + 0
            premalignant hematological system disease + 0
            splenic disease + 0
            thymus gland disorder + 0
            thymus hyperplasia 0
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