RGD Reference Report - Role of EP2 and EP4 receptor-selective agonists of prostaglandin E(2) in acute and chronic kidney failure. - Rat Genome Database

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Role of EP2 and EP4 receptor-selective agonists of prostaglandin E(2) in acute and chronic kidney failure.

Authors: Vukicevic, S  Simic, P  Borovecki, F  Grgurevic, L  Rogic, D  Orlic, I  Grasser, WA  Thompson, DD  Paralkar, VM 
Citation: Vukicevic S, etal., Kidney Int. 2006 Sep;70(6):1099-106. Epub 2006 Jul 26.
RGD ID: 10003092
Pubmed: PMID:16871242   (View Abstract at PubMed)
DOI: DOI:10.1038/sj.ki.5001715   (Journal Full-text)

We tested the efficacy of three selective agonists of prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) receptor, EP2 (CP-536,745-01), EP2/4 (CP-043,305-02), and EP4 (CP-044,519-02), in two models of acute and chronic kidney failure. In the nephrotoxic mercury chloride (HgCl(2)) rat model of acute kidney failure systemically administered EP4 agonist reduced the serum creatinine values and increased the survival rate. Although the EP2 or the EP2/4 agonist did not change the serum creatinine values, the EP2 receptor agonist increased the survival rate. Histological evaluation of kidneys from EP4-treated rats indicated less proximal tubular necrosis and less apoptotic cells. In a rat model of chronic renal failure, the three receptor agonists decreased the serum creatinine and increased the glomerular filtration rate at 9 weeks following therapy. Kidneys treated with the EP4 agonist had less glomerular sclerosis, better preservation of proximal and distal tubules and blood vessels, increased convoluted epithelium proliferation and less apoptotic cells. Nephrectomy had no influence on the expression of the EP4 receptor, whereas EP2 receptor expression was reduced by 50% and then corrected following treatment with EP2 and EP2/4 receptor agonists. These findings suggest that PGE(2) has an important role in acute kidney failure via the EP4 receptor, whereas in chronic kidney failure both EP2 and EP4 receptors are equally important in preserving the progression of chronic kidney failure. Thus, agonism of EP2 and EP4 receptors may provide a basis for treating acute and chronic kidney failure.

RGD Manual Disease Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
TermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
acute kidney failure treatmentISOPtger4 (Rattus norvegicus)10003092; 10003092 RGD 
acute kidney failure treatmentIMP 10003092 RGD 
end stage renal disease treatmentISOPtger4 (Rattus norvegicus)10003092; 10003092 RGD 
end stage renal disease treatmentIMP 10003092 RGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Ptger4  (prostaglandin E receptor 4)

Genes (Mus musculus)
Ptger4  (prostaglandin E receptor 4 (subtype EP4))

Genes (Homo sapiens)
PTGER4  (prostaglandin E receptor 4)

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