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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

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Accession:CHEBI:66359 term browser browse the term
Definition:A nine-membered macrocycle that incorporates three 6-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro-1-benzofuranyl moieties as part of the cyclic skeleton. It is isolated from Caragana chamlague Lamarck and exhibits significant inhibitory effect towards the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (EC
Synonyms:exact_synonym: (2R,2aR,7R,7aR,12S,12aS)-2,7,12-tris(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2,2a,7,7a,12,12a-hexahydrobis[1]benzofuro[3',4':4,5,6;3'',4'':7,8,9]cyclonona[1,2,3-cd][1]benzofuran-4,9,14-triol
 related_synonym: Formula=C42H30O9;   InChI=1S/C42H30O9/c43-22-7-1-19(2-8-22)40-37-28-13-25(46)17-32-35(28)39(42(50-32)21-5-11-24(45)12-6-21)30-15-27(48)18-33-36(30)38(29-14-26(47)16-31(49-40)34(29)37)41(51-33)20-3-9-23(44)10-4-20/h1-18,37-48H/t37-,38-,39+,40+,41+,42-/m1/s1;   InChIKey=KUTVNHOAKHJJFL-ZSIJVUTGSA-N;   SMILES=[H][C@@]12[C@H](Oc3cc(O)cc(c13)[C@@]1([H])[C@@H](Oc3cc(O)cc(c13)[C@@]1([H])[C@@H](Oc3cc(O)cc2c13)c1ccc(O)cc1)c1ccc(O)cc1)c1ccc(O)cc1
 xref: CAS:62218-13-7
 xref_mesh: MESH:C064176
 xref: PMID:14531020;   PMID:20424383;   PMID:22209460;   PMID:2337958;   Reaxys:3644570;   Wikipedia:Alpha-Viniferin

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(+)-alpha-viniferin term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abcc1 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 1 multiple interactions
decreases activity
ISO alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [ABCC1 protein results in increased transport of 2',7'-bis-(carboxypropyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein]
alpha-viniferin results in decreased activity of ABCC1 protein
CTD PMID:16827148 NCBI chr10:528,961...655,179
Ensembl chr10:531,812...655,114
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G Casp3 caspase 3 increases activity ISO alpha-viniferin analog results in increased activity of CASP3 protein; alpha-viniferin results in increased activity of CASP3 protein CTD PMID:16158945 NCBI chr16:45,662,910...45,681,171
Ensembl chr16:45,662,910...45,684,648
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G Casp8 caspase 8 increases activity ISO alpha-viniferin analog results in increased activity of CASP8 protein; alpha-viniferin results in increased activity of CASP8 protein CTD PMID:16158945 NCBI chr 9:60,263,863...60,312,542
Ensembl chr 9:60,264,075...60,312,542
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G Casp9 caspase 9 increases activity ISO alpha-viniferin analog results in increased activity of CASP9 protein; alpha-viniferin results in increased activity of CASP9 protein CTD PMID:16158945 NCBI chr 5:154,108,872...154,126,628
Ensembl chr 5:154,109,046...154,126,626
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G Cxcl10 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10 multiple interactions ISO alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of CXCL10 mRNA]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of CXCL10 protein]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IRF1 protein results in increased expression of CXCL10 mRNA]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IRF1 protein results in increased expression of CXCL10 protein] CTD PMID:20424383 NCBI chr14:15,704,772...15,706,969
Ensembl chr14:15,704,758...15,706,975
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G Cxcl9 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 9 multiple interactions ISO alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of CXCL9 mRNA]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of CXCL9 protein] CTD PMID:20424383 NCBI chr14:15,722,868...15,727,779
Ensembl chr14:15,722,908...15,728,435
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G Hmox1 heme oxygenase 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO alpha-viniferin results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA; alpha-viniferin results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein
[NFE2L2 protein results in increased expression of HMOX1] affects the reaction [alpha-viniferin results in decreased susceptibility to Lipopolysaccharides]; NFE2L2 protein affects the reaction [alpha-viniferin results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]
CTD PMID:24859013 NCBI chr19:13,466,287...13,474,082
Ensembl chr19:13,467,244...13,474,079
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G Ifng interferon gamma multiple interactions ISO alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of CXCL10 mRNA]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of CXCL10 protein]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of CXCL9 mRNA]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of CXCL9 protein]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK3 protein]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of STAT1 protein] CTD PMID:20424383 NCBI chr 7:53,903,339...53,907,375
Ensembl chr 7:53,903,337...53,907,375
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G Irf1 interferon regulatory factor 1 multiple interactions ISO alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IRF1 protein results in increased expression of CXCL10 mRNA]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IRF1 protein results in increased expression of CXCL10 protein] CTD PMID:20424383 NCBI chr10:37,917,155...37,924,166
Ensembl chr10:37,916,670...37,924,166
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G Mapk3 mitogen activated protein kinase 3 multiple interactions ISO alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK3 protein] CTD PMID:20424383 NCBI chr 1:181,366,646...181,372,863
Ensembl chr 1:181,366,637...181,372,863
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G Mapk9 mitogen-activated protein kinase 9 multiple interactions ISO alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [MAPK9 protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of STAT1 protein] CTD PMID:20424383 NCBI chr10:34,169,661...34,211,138
Ensembl chr10:34,169,675...34,210,178
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G Nfe2l2 NFE2 like bZIP transcription factor 2 multiple interactions
affects response to substance
ISO [NFE2L2 protein results in increased expression of HMOX1] affects the reaction [alpha-viniferin results in decreased susceptibility to Lipopolysaccharides]; alpha-viniferin results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of NFE2L2 protein; NFE2L2 protein affects the reaction [alpha-viniferin results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]
NFE2L2 protein affects the susceptibility to alpha-viniferin
CTD PMID:24859013 NCBI chr 3:60,594,239...60,621,712
Ensembl chr 3:60,594,242...60,621,737
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G Nos2 nitric oxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] CTD PMID:14531020 PMID:20424383 PMID:24859013 NCBI chr10:63,815,308...63,851,208
Ensembl chr10:63,815,308...63,851,210
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G Ptgs1 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 decreases activity ISO alpha-viniferin results in decreased activity of PTGS1 protein CTD PMID:14531020 NCBI chr 3:19,584,015...19,605,589
Ensembl chr 3:19,584,015...19,605,586
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 decreases activity
multiple interactions
ISO alpha-viniferin results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein
alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]
CTD PMID:14531020 PMID:24859013 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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G Stat1 signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 multiple interactions ISO alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of STAT1 protein]; alpha-viniferin inhibits the reaction [MAPK9 protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of STAT1 protein] CTD PMID:20424383 NCBI chr 9:49,419,561...49,459,969
Ensembl chr 9:49,419,340...49,588,540
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19808
    role 19784
      application 19627
        anti-inflammatory agent 16580
          (+)-alpha-viniferin 16
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19808
    subatomic particle 19806
      composite particle 19806
        hadron 19806
          baryon 19806
            nucleon 19806
              atomic nucleus 19806
                atom 19806
                  main group element atom 19756
                    p-block element atom 19756
                      carbon group element atom 19705
                        carbon atom 19702
                          organic molecular entity 19702
                            organic molecule 19655
                              organic cyclic compound 19468
                                organic aromatic compound 19336
                                  phenols 18605
                                    benzenediols 9146
                                      resorcinols 7354
                                        resveratrol 6436
                                          (+)-alpha-viniferin 16
paths to the root