The rat strain was created via CRISPR/Cas9 targeting the VWF gene in DahlSS/Mcw (SS/JrHsdMcwi ) rat embryos. The resulting rat strain has a 13bp deletion in the untranslated region of Exon 52 of the VWF gene (g.158491511 - 158491523 on chromosome 4, Assembly: mRatBN7.2) The 13-bp deletion happens to be in the region where the polyadenylation signal resides (AAUAAA). The resulting mRNA is not polyadenylated and has trouble with transport from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. The result is a phenotype that is similar to a Type I von Willebrand Disease, being a partial quantitative deficiency of the circulating VWF protein. Some mRNA must make it through to translation, because low levels of VWF protein are detectable via ELISA (<10%). Both homozygous pairs and heterozygous pairs were used for breeding.