RGD Reference Report - Serinc, an activity-regulated protein family, incorporates serine into membrane lipid synthesis. - Rat Genome Database

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Serinc, an activity-regulated protein family, incorporates serine into membrane lipid synthesis.

Authors: Inuzuka, M  Hayakawa, M  Ingi, T 
Citation: Inuzuka M, etal., J Biol Chem. 2005 Oct 21;280(42):35776-83. Epub 2005 Aug 24.
RGD ID: 8553290
Pubmed: PMID:16120614   (View Abstract at PubMed)
DOI: DOI:10.1074/jbc.M505712200   (Journal Full-text)

Cell membranes contain various transporter proteins, some of which are responsible for transferring amino acids across membrane. In this study, we report another class of carrier proteins, termed Serinc1-5, that incorporates a polar amino acid serine into membranes and facilitates the synthesis of two serine-derived lipids, phosphatidylserine and sphingolipids. Serinc is a unique protein family that shows no amino acid homology to other proteins but is highly conserved among eukaryotes. The members contain 11 transmembrane domains, and rat Serinc1 protein co-localizes with lipid biosynthetic enzymes in endoplasmic reticulum membranes. A Serinc protein forms an intracellular complex with key enzymes involved in serine and sphingolipid biosyntheses, and both functions, serine synthesis and membrane incorporation, are linked to each other. In the rat brain, expression of Serinc1 and Serinc2 mRNA was rapidly up-regulated by kainate-induced seizures in neuronal cell layers of the hippocampus. In contrast, myelin throughout the brain is enriched with Serinc5, which was down-regulated in the hippocampus by seizures. These results indicate a novel mechanism linking neural activity and lipid biosynthesis.

Gene Ontology Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Biological Process


Cellular Component

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
Serinc1Ratendoplasmic reticulum membrane located_inIDA PMID:16120614HGNC-UCL 
Serinc2Ratendoplasmic reticulum membrane located_inISSUniProtKB:Q7TNK0PMID:16120614HGNC-UCL 
Serinc1Ratplasma membrane located_inIDA PMID:16120614HGNC-UCL 
Serinc2Ratplasma membrane located_inISSUniProtKB:Q7TNK0PMID:16120614HGNC-UCL 
Serinc5Ratplasma membrane located_inISSUniProtKB:Q7TNK0PMID:16120614HGNC-UCL 

Molecular Function


Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Serinc1  (serine incorporator 1)
Serinc2  (serine incorporator 2)
Serinc5  (serine incorporator 5)

Objects referenced in this article
Gene Serinc3 serine incorporator 3 Rattus norvegicus

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