GWAS660602_H QTL Report (Homo sapiens) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: GWAS660602_H (diastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS660602 (human)) Homo sapiens

Symbol: GWAS660602_H
Name: diastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS660602 (human)
RGD ID: 407011626
Trait: diastolic blood pressure
Measurement Type: diastolic blood pressure   (CMO:0000005)    
LOD Score: Not Available
P Value: 4.0E-28
Variance: Not Available
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
GRCh381911,416,089 - 11,416,090RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh38
GRCh371911,526,765 - 11,526,766RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh37
Population Stats: Not Available
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Experimental Data Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS660602_HHumandiastolic blood pressure  IAGPrs167479405850206Based on the EFO term IDGWAS_CATALOGPMID:27618448

Experimental Factor Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS660602_HHumanAgents acting on the renin-angiotensin system use measurement  IAGPrs167479405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:34594039
GWAS660602_HHumandiastolic blood pressure  IAGPrs167479405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:27618448
Experimental Data Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. RGD GWAS Catalog Import Pipeline RGD pipeline to import data from GWAS Catalog and create human variant and QTL records


Genes in Region
The following Genes overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Analysis Tools
RGD IDSymbolNameChrStartStopSpecies
1320262RGL3ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator like 3191139406011419314Human

Position Markers

Peak: (rs167479)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCh381911,416,089 - 11,416,090RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINE

QTLs in Region (GRCh38)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
407312196GWAS961172_HDiuretic use measurement QTL GWAS961172 (human)8e-13Diuretic use measurement191141608911416090Human
407000263GWAS649239_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS649239 (human)1e-62systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)191141608911416090Human
407400013GWAS1048989_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS1048989 (human)3e-46systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)191141608911416090Human
407389890GWAS1038866_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS1038866 (human)5e-40diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)191141608911416090Human
407393859GWAS1042835_Hmean arterial pressure QTL GWAS1042835 (human)3e-17Calcium channel blocker use measurementmean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)191141608911416090Human
406897488GWAS546464_Hpulse pressure measurement QTL GWAS546464 (human)3e-08pulse pressure measurementpulse pressure (CMO:0000292)191141608911416090Human
407108562GWAS757538_Hcardiovascular disease QTL GWAS757538 (human)9e-42cardiovascular disease191141608911416090Human
407395664GWAS1044640_HDiuretic use measurement QTL GWAS1044640 (human)1e-11Diuretic use measurement191141608911416090Human
407389776GWAS1038752_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS1038752 (human)5e-33systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)191141608911416090Human
407252319GWAS901295_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS901295 (human)1e-17diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)191141608911416090Human
407417554GWAS1066530_Hpulse pressure measurement QTL GWAS1066530 (human)4e-20pulse pressure measurementpulse pressure (CMO:0000292)191141608911416090Human
407385426GWAS1034402_Hhypertension, pregnancy-induced QTL GWAS1034402 (human)5e-09hypertension, pregnancy-induced191141608911416090Human
1643451SLIPL6_HSerum lipid level QTL 6 (human)2.190.0008Lipid level19116075902Human
407383787GWAS1032763_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS1032763 (human)8e-40systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)191141608911416090Human
407109349GWAS758325_Hhypertension QTL GWAS758325 (human)8e-16hypertension191141608911416090Human
407084650GWAS733626_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS733626 (human)4e-36systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)191141608911416090Human
407397477GWAS1046453_Hmean arterial pressure QTL GWAS1046453 (human)4e-48mean arterial pressuremean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)191141608911416090Human
407252082GWAS901058_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS901058 (human)5e-23diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)191141608911416090Human
406902901GWAS551877_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS551877 (human)2e-21systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)191141608911416090Human
1298476BP3_HBlood pressure QTL 3 (human)2.4Blood pressuresystolic19116075902Human
407397239GWAS1046215_HBeta blocking agent use measurement QTL GWAS1046215 (human)2e-14Beta blocking agent use measurement191141608911416090Human
407011330GWAS660306_Hhypertension QTL GWAS660306 (human)1e-14hypertension191141608911416090Human
407392648GWAS1041624_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS1041624 (human)9e-18systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)191141608911416090Human
407251204GWAS900180_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS900180 (human)4e-18systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)191141608911416090Human
407393163GWAS1042139_Hpreeclampsia QTL GWAS1042139 (human)2e-11preeclampsia191141608911416090Human
1581534BP76_HBlood pressure QTL 76 (human)20.001Blood pressurepulse pressure19116075902Human
1581535BP65_HBlood pressure QTL 65 (human)3.10.001Blood pressurepulse pressure19116075902Human
1298499UAE1_HUrinary albumin excretion QTL 1 (human)2.730.0009Urinary albumin excretionurine albumin:creatinine ratio (ACR)19116075902Human
1300034BP50_HBlood pressure QTL 50 (human)2.10.00094Blood pressuresystolic191108946337089463Human
407414558GWAS1063534_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS1063534 (human)2e-102diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)191141608911416090Human
407314577GWAS963553_HCalcium channel blocker use measurement QTL GWAS963553 (human)1e-15Calcium channel blocker use measurement191141608911416090Human
407150099GWAS799075_Hhypertension QTL GWAS799075 (human)2e-08hypertension191141608911416090Human
406893849GWAS542825_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS542825 (human)4e-22diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)191141608911416090Human
407393172GWAS1042148_Hpreeclampsia QTL GWAS1042148 (human)3e-10preeclampsia191141608911416090Human
407215392GWAS864368_Hcryptic phenotype measurement QTL GWAS864368 (human)1e-10cryptic phenotype measurement191141608911416090Human
407032612GWAS681588_Hpulse pressure measurement QTL GWAS681588 (human)0.0000006pulse pressure measurementpulse pressure (CMO:0000292)191141608911416090Human
407011626GWAS660602_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS660602 (human)4e-28Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system use measurementdiastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)191141608911416090Human
407395873GWAS1044849_Hcoronary artery disease QTL GWAS1044849 (human)6e-11coronary artery disease191141608911416090Human
407357101GWAS1006077_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS1006077 (human)2e-38diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)191141608911416090Human
407235247GWAS884223_Hpreeclampsia, hypertension, pregnancy-induced QTL GWAS884223 (human)7e-13diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)191141608911416090Human
407036585GWAS685561_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS685561 (human)9e-27systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)191141608911416090Human
407178926GWAS827902_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS827902 (human)4e-52diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)191141608911416090Human
407317035GWAS966011_HAgents acting on the renin-angiotensin system use measurement QTL GWAS966011 (human)1e-24Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system use measurement191141608911416090Human
407012141GWAS661117_Hmean arterial pressure QTL GWAS661117 (human)7e-11mean arterial pressuremean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)191141608911416090Human
407037741GWAS686717_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS686717 (human)3e-32diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)191141608911416090Human
407395643GWAS1044619_Hpulse pressure measurement QTL GWAS1044619 (human)8e-18pulse pressure measurementpulse pressure (CMO:0000292)191141608911416090Human
407312188GWAS961164_HBeta blocking agent use measurement QTL GWAS961164 (human)5e-12Beta blocking agent use measurement191141608911416090Human
2314591INSUL4_HInsulin level QTL 4 (human)3.80.000038Insulin levelfasting19116075902Human
407398325GWAS1047301_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS1047301 (human)6e-82systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)191141608911416090Human
407009084GWAS658060_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS658060 (human)1e-23systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)191141608911416090Human
407032637GWAS681613_Hhypertension QTL GWAS681613 (human)3e-15systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)191141608911416090Human

Additional Information

GWAS QTLs Related by Peak Marker
Data has come from the GWAS Catalog   
The highlighted row represents the current QTL
QTL GWAS Catalog Study Disease Trait Study Size Risk Allele Risk Allele Frequency P Value P Value MLOG Peak Marker Reported Odds Ratio or Beta-coefficient Ontology Accession PubMed
GWAS542825_H GCST007094 Diastolic blood pressure 295,529 European ancestry individuals, 8,231 Latino individuals, 3,058 African American individuals, 2,029 African British individuals, 7,701 East Asian ancestry individuals, 2,735 South Asian ancestry individuals, 1,979 mixed and unknown ancestry individuals G NR 4E-22 21.398 rs167479 0.251 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS546464_H GCST007096 Pulse pressure 295,529 European ancestry individuals, 8,231 Latino individuals, 3,058 African American individuals, 2,029 African British individuals, 7,701 East Asian ancestry individuals, 2,735 South Asian ancestry individuals, 1,979 mixed and unknown ancestry individuals G NR 3E-8 7.523 rs167479 0.179 pulse pressure measurement (EFO:0005763)
GWAS551877_H GCST007099 Systolic blood pressure 295,529 European ancestry individuals, 8,231 Latino individuals, 3,058 African American individuals, 2,029 African British individuals, 7,701 East Asian ancestry individuals, 2,735 South Asian ancestry individuals, 1,979 mixed and unknown ancestry individuals G NR 2E-21 20.699 rs167479 0.41 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS649239_H GCST007087 Systolic blood pressure approximately 422,000 European ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-62 62 rs167479 N/A systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS658060_H GCST006228 Systolic blood pressure 120,473 European ancestry individuals, 21,503 African American individuals, 4,586 Hispanic individuals T 0.448 1E-23 23 rs167479 0.45 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS660306_H GCST006229 Hypertension 120,473 European ancestry individuals, 21,503 African American individuals, 4,586 Hispanic individuals T 0.451 1E-14 14 rs167479 7.721299 hypertension (EFO:0000537)
GWAS660602_H GCST006227 Diastolic blood pressure 120,473 European ancestry individuals, 21,503 African American individuals, 4,586 Hispanic individuals T 0.448 4E-28 27.398 rs167479 0.3 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS661117_H GCST006231 Mean arterial pressure 120,473 European ancestry individuals, 21,503 African American individuals, 4,586 Hispanic individuals T 0.447681772575337 7E-11 10.155 rs167479 0.30355528 mean arterial pressure (EFO:0006340)
GWAS681588_H GCST006022 Pulse pressure up to 165,276 European ancestry individuals, up to 27,487 South Asian ancestry individuals T 0.4763 6E-7 6.222 rs167479 0.1534 pulse pressure measurement (EFO:0005763)
GWAS681613_H GCST006023 Hypertension up to 83,330 European ancestry cases, up to 73,760 European ancestry controls, up to 9,322 South Asian ancestry cases, up to 16,861 South Asian ancestry controls T 0.4727 3E-15 14.523 rs167479 7.876 hypertension (EFO:0000537)
GWAS685561_H GCST006021 Systolic blood pressure up to 165,276 European ancestry individuals, up to 27,487 South Asian ancestry individuals T 0.4726 9E-27 26.046 rs167479 0.4679 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS686717_H GCST006020 Diastolic blood pressure up to 165,276 European ancestry individuals, up to 27,487 South Asian ancestry individuals T 0.4829 3E-32 31.523 rs167479 0.313 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS733626_H GCST007267 Systolic blood pressure 365,998 European ancestry individuals, 63,490 African ancestry individuals, 22,802 Hispanic individuals, 4,792 Asian ancestry individuals, 2,695 Native American ancestry individuals T 0.4565 4E-36 35.398 rs167479 0.4121 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
None Available GCST90309346 Hypertension (confirmatory factor analysis Factor 12) 338,391 European ancestry individuals ? NR 5E-26 25.302 rs167479 N/A hypertension (EFO:0000537)
GWAS757538_H GCST007072 Cardiovascular disease approximately 459,000 European ancestry individuals ? NR 9E-42 41.046 rs167479 N/A cardiovascular disease (EFO:0000319)
GWAS758325_H GCST009685 Hypertension 30,822 British ancestry normal blood pressure individuals, 25,242 British ancestry elevated blood pressure individuals, 50,461 British ancestry stage 1 hypertension individuals, 75,286 British ancestry stage 2 hypertension individuals, 3,754 British ancestry hypertension crisis individuals ? NR 8E-16 15.097 rs167479 0.04913276 hypertension (EFO:0000537)
GWAS799075_H GCST011141 Hypertension 8,178 Korean ancestry cases, 9,558 Korean ancestry controls T 0.16 2E-8 7.699 rs167479 0.88 hypertension (EFO:0000537)
GWAS827902_H GCST90132904 Diastolic blood pressure 526,001 European ancestry individuals T NR 4E-52 51.398 rs167479 0.3557 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS864368_H GCST90101829 Cryptic phenotype that captures autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease severity 308,095 European ancestry individuals T NR 1E-10 10 rs167479 0.007 cryptic phenotype measurement (EFO:0021487)
GWAS884223_H GCST90269904 Preeclampsia or other maternal hypertension (maternal genotype effect) 15,200 European ancestry cases, 115,007 European ancestry controls T 0.44 7E-13 12.155 rs167479 0.9 preeclampsia (EFO:0000668)
None Available GCST90301697 Systolic blood pressure 174,664 British ancestry males G NR 3E-15 14.523 rs167479 0.03 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS900180_H GCST90301696 Systolic blood pressure 174,664 British ancestry females G NR 4E-18 17.398 rs167479 0.03 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS901058_H GCST90301699 Diastolic blood pressure 174,664 British ancestry females G NR 5E-23 22.302 rs167479 0.03 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS901295_H GCST90301700 Diastolic blood pressure 174,664 British ancestry males G NR 1E-17 17 rs167479 0.03 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS961164_H GCST007927 Medication use (beta blocking agents) 31,700 European ancestry cases, 192,324 European ancestry controls T 0.473349 5E-12 11.302 rs167479 0.056873344 Beta blocking agent use measurement (EFO:0009929)
GWAS961172_H GCST007928 Medication use (diuretics) 34,453 European ancestry cases, 194,633 European ancestry controls T 0.473078 8E-13 12.097 rs167479 0.056449015 Diuretic use measurement (EFO:0009928)
GWAS963553_H GCST007929 Medication use (calcium channel blockers) 31,904 European ancestry cases, 172,474 European ancestry controls T 0.473277 1E-15 15 rs167479 0.06429934 Calcium channel blocker use measurement (EFO:0009930)
GWAS966011_H GCST007930 Medication use (agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system) 62,752 European ancestry cases, 174,778 European ancestry controls T 0.471256 1E-24 24 rs167479 0.06187271 Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system use measurement (EFO:0009931)
None Available GCST90018732 Diastolic blood pressure 145,515 East Asian ancestry individuals T 0.502518 7E-13 12.155 rs167479 0.0255177 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS1006077_H GCST90018952 Diastolic blood pressure 340,162 European ancestry individuals, 145,515 East Asian ancestry individuals T NR 2E-38 37.699 rs167479 0.0256 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS1032763_H GCST90132903 Systolic blood pressure 526,001 European ancestry individuals T NR 8E-40 39.097 rs167479 0.5296 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS1034402_H GCST90245819 Hypertension complicating pregnancy 10,097 European ancestry cases, 331,138 European ancestry controls ? NR 5E-9 8.302 rs167479 N/A PMID:36553520
GWAS1038752_H GCST90301695 Systolic blood pressure 349,328 British ancestry individuals G NR 5E-33 32.302 rs167479 0.03 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS1038866_H GCST90301698 Diastolic blood pressure 349,328 British ancestry individuals G NR 5E-40 39.302 rs167479 0.03 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS1041624_H GCST90018752 Systolic blood pressure 145,505 East Asian ancestry individuals T 0.502515 9E-18 17.046 rs167479 0.0291776 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS1042139_H GCST90271316 Preeclampsia or eclampsia 3,223 Asian ancestry cases, 96,119 Asian ancestry controls, 20 African ancestry cases, 1,406 African ancestry controls, 14 Hispanic or Latin American cases, 2,457 Hispanic or Latin American controls, 1,389 European ancestry cases, 351,259 European ancestry controls G NR 2E-11 10.699 rs167479 1.1 preeclampsia (EFO:0000668)
GWAS1042148_H GCST90271317 Gestational hypertension 844 Asian ancestry cases, 12,098 Asian ancestry controls, 38 African ancestry cases, 1,388 African ancestry controls, 35 Hispanic or Latin American cases, 2,436 Hispanic or Latin American controls, 8,044 European ancestry cases, 169,003 European ancestry controls G NR 3E-10 9.523 rs167479 1.11 preeclampsia (EFO:0000668)
GWAS1042835_H GCST90018743 Mean arterial pressure 145,502 East Asian ancestry individuals T 0.502529 3E-17 16.523 rs167479 0.0295175 mean arterial pressure (EFO:0006340)
GWAS1044619_H GCST90018970 Pulse pressure 360,863 European ancestry individuals, 145,445 East Asian ancestry individuals T NR 8E-18 17.097 rs167479 0.0156 pulse pressure measurement (EFO:0005763)
GWAS1044640_H GCST90018985 Medication use (diuretics) 34,453 European ancestry cases, 194,633 European ancestry controls, 22,356 East Asian ancestry cases, 156,370 East Asian ancestry controls T NR 1E-11 11 rs167479 0.0431 Diuretic use measurement (EFO:0009928)
GWAS1044849_H GCST90132314 Coronary artery disease 181,522 European ancestry, unknown cases, 984,168 European ancestry, unknown controls T 0.471 6E-11 10.222 rs167479 0.965 coronary artery disease (EFO:0001645)
None Available GCST90018987 Medication use (calcium channel blockers) 31,904 European ancestry cases, 172,474 European ancestry controls, 49,327 East Asian ancestry cases, 129,399 East Asian ancestry controls T NR 3E-17 16.523 rs167479 0.0489 Calcium channel blocker use measurement (EFO:0009930)
GWAS1046215_H GCST90018986 Medication use (beta blocking agents) 31,700 European ancestry cases, 192,324 European ancestry controls, 20,367 East Asian ancestry cases, 158,359 East Asian ancestry controls T NR 2E-14 13.699 rs167479 0.051 Beta blocking agent use measurement (EFO:0009929)
GWAS1046453_H GCST90018963 Mean arterial pressure 360,863 European ancestry individuals, 145,502 East Asian ancestry individuals T NR 4E-48 47.398 rs167479 0.0278 mean arterial pressure (EFO:0006340)
None Available GCST90018988 Medication use (agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system) 62,752 European ancestry cases, 174,778 European ancestry controls, 45,820 East Asian ancestry cases, 132,906 East Asian ancestry controls T NR 4E-28 27.398 rs167479 0.054 Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system use measurement (EFO:0009931)
GWAS1047301_H GCST90310294 Systolic blood pressure 1,028,980 European ancestry individuals T NR 6E-82 81.222 rs167479 0.494 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS1048989_H GCST90018972 Systolic blood pressure 340,159 European ancestry individuals, 145,505 East Asian ancestry individuals T NR 3E-46 45.523 rs167479 0.0268 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
None Available GCST90435415 Systolic blood pressure 404,507 European ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-54 54 rs167479 0.0300572 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
None Available GCST90435414 Diastolic blood pressure 404,337 European ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-51 50.699 rs167479 0.0313475 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
None Available GCST90335163 Systolic blood pressure (BMI adjusted) 100,453 Chinese Han ancestry individuals G 0.518 4E-17 16.398 rs167479 0.7696 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
None Available GCST90335165 Diastolic blood pressure (BMI adjusted) 100,453 Chinese Han ancestry individuals G 0.518 1E-22 22 rs167479 0.5006 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
None Available GCST90335162 Systolic blood pressure (BMI unadjusted) 100,453 Chinese Han ancestry individuals G 0.518 8E-18 17.097 rs167479 0.8264 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
None Available GCST90335164 Diastolic blood pressure (BMI unadjusted) 100,453 Chinese Han ancestry individuals G 0.518 1E-23 23 rs167479 0.5313 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
None Available GCST90335168 Mean arterial pressure (BMI unadjusted) 100,453 Chinese Han ancestry individuals G 0.518 2E-23 22.699 rs167479 0.6299 mean arterial pressure (EFO:0006340)
None Available GCST90335169 Mean arterial pressure (BMI adjusted) 100,453 Chinese Han ancestry individuals G 0.518 1E-22 22 rs167479 0.5907 mean arterial pressure (EFO:0006340)
None Available GCST90446531 Hypertension 193,908 European ancestry cases, 265,230 European ancestry controls ? NR 4E-27 26.398 rs167479 N/A hypertension (EFO:0000537)
GWAS1063534_H GCST90310295 Diastolic blood pressure 1,028,980 European ancestry individuals T NR 2E-102 101.699 rs167479 0.3458 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS1066530_H GCST90310296 Pulse pressure 1,028,980 European ancestry individuals T NR 4E-20 19.398 rs167479 0.1688 pulse pressure measurement (EFO:0005763)
Database Acc Id Source(s)
GWAS Catalog GCST006227 GWAS Catalog
  GCST90018988 GWAS Catalog

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference