LOC131339720 (STARR-seq mESC enhancer starr_10391) - Rat Genome Database

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Gene: LOC131339720 (STARR-seq mESC enhancer starr_10391) Mus musculus
Symbol: LOC131339720
Name: STARR-seq mESC enhancer starr_10391
RGD ID: 329966672
Description: This genomic region represents an enhancer that was validated by the STARR-seq (self-transcribing active regulatory region sequencing) reporter assay in ground-state (2iL) and metastable (SL) mouse embryonic stem cells, where it was defined as a C1 class enhancer that overlaps an active chromatin signature. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2023]
Type: biological-region
RefSeq Status: REVIEWED
Latest Assembly: GRCm39 - Mouse Genome Assembly GRCm39
Mouse AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCm39459,962,391 - 59,964,783 (+)NCBIGRCm39GRCm39mm39
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Additional References at PubMed



Variants in LOC131339720
127 total Variants

QTLs in Region (GRCm39)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
1301586Stheal3_msoft tissue heal 3 (mouse)Not determined42865844262658566Mouse
11532714Sluc43_msusceptibility to lung cancer 43 (mouse)446642108123127211Mouse
39128211Lwq22_mliver weight QTL 22 (mouse)41789261688982216Mouse
25314308Mlh1fc1_mMLH1 foci count 1 (mouse)44850000076918237Mouse
26884434Zlq1_mzygomatic length QTL 1, 5 week (mouse)453700000103257197Mouse
1301786Bpq3_mblood pressure QTL 3 (mouse)Not determined44240224076402381Mouse
10412178Habiir2_mhyperoxic acute lung injury imprinted region 2 (mouse)Not determined43945212663283678Mouse
1300574Im2_mimmunoregulatory 2 (mouse)Not determined42807768262077816Mouse
1301213Lgth3_mbody length 3 (mouse)Not determined45010026284100408Mouse
26884437Sklq13_mskull length QTL 13, 16 week (mouse)457700000155684457Mouse
4142318Lyr2_mlymphoma resistance 2 (mouse)Not determined1401045763283678Mouse
1357895Ctrcts_mcataract severity (mouse)Not determined445709925138342753Mouse
1357453Kidq4_mkidney weight QTL 4 (mouse)Not determined41789261688982216Mouse
13207572Spir2_mStreptococcus pneumoniae infection resistance 2 (mouse)45068279588510637Mouse
4142047Mvwf3_mmodifier of von Willebrand factor 3 (mouse)Not determined14010457117072206Mouse
11567249Elorr3_methanol induced loss of righting response 3 (mouse)43722677156268235Mouse
1357877Synch1_msynechia 1 (mouse)Not determined42870992562710107Mouse
10449022Aanq1_maristolochic acid nephrotoxicity QTL 1 (mouse)44660382680603826Mouse
1300977Mopkd1_mmodifier of polycystic kidney disease progression 1 (mouse)Not determined43655083970550967Mouse
27095934Ulnl2_mulna length 2, 5 week (mouse)45770000094788237Mouse
10043964Obq26_mobesity QTL 26 (mouse)Not determined45904725193047251Mouse
1301941Mmtg1_mmodifier of mammary tumor growth 1 (mouse)Not determined44565844283099157Mouse
13524841Hbasrq1_mhabituation of the acoustic startle response QTL 1 (mouse)45447158988471589Mouse
4141911W6q15_mweight 6 weeks QTL 15 (mouse)Not determined1789261688982216Mouse
13524838Hbasrq1a_mhabituation of the acoustic startle response QTL 1a (mouse)45447158988471589Mouse
12879977Bod2_mbone length and organs 2 (mouse)44628353180283678Mouse
10043880Adip23_madiposity 23 (mouse)Not determined44628353180283678Mouse
1301792Hdlq10_mHDL QTL 10 (mouse)Not determined43585970769859853Mouse
1558948Ath8_matherosclerosis 8 (mouse)Not determined445658442105156995Mouse
4141900Skts-fp1_mskin tumor susceptibility in FVB and PWK 1 (mouse)Not determined453550839124055180Mouse
1301990Arvm1_mautoimmune renal vasculitis 1 (mouse)Not determined42933264663332776Mouse
1300966Pabr2_mplasma apolipoprotein B (human) regulator 2 (mouse)Not determined446332646105801860Mouse
1302116Bbaa1_mB.burgdorferi-associated arthritis 1 (mouse)Not determined43825093072251078Mouse
1301995Lprm1_mlymphoproliferation modifier 1 (mouse)Not determined45010026284100408Mouse
1301033Abbp2_mA/J and C57BL/6 blood pressure 2 (mouse)Not determined45355083993763305Mouse
26884449Sklq2_mskull length QTL 2, 5 week (mouse)436700000128993793Mouse
27226724Tibw2_mtibia width 2, proximal, 10 week (mouse)443000000108357197Mouse
27095905Scvln3_msacral vertebrae length 2, 5 week (mouse)455600000128993793Mouse
11532688Mh_mmodifier of hemostasis (mouse)44830477582304775Mouse


RNA-SEQ Expression


Nucleotide Sequences
RefSeq Transcripts NG_209281 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
GenBank Nucleotide AL831738 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles

Additional Information

Database Acc Id Source(s)
PhenoGen LOC131339720 PhenoGen