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Expression Data Report for gene AC104695.2
Download Expression Data
Cell lineSexAgeTissueValueUnitAssemblyReference
male37 yearsliver0.1TPMGRCh3818182915
male18 yearsliver0.1TPMGRCh3818182916
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3818182917
not specifiednot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3818182918
both77 days post conceptionliver0.2TPMGRCh3818182919
both112 days post conceptionliver0.1TPMGRCh3818182919
both126 days post conceptionliver0.1TPMGRCh3818182919
both28 days post conceptionliver0.2TPMGRCh3818182919
both42 days post conceptionliver0.2TPMGRCh3818182919
both56 days post conceptionliver0.1TPMGRCh3818182919
male17 yearsliver0.1TPMGRCh3818182919
male58 yearsliver0.1TPMGRCh3818182919
male7 yearsliver0.2TPMGRCh3818182919
female2 yearsliver0.3TPMGRCh3818182919
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
HuH-7male57 yearsliver0.1TPMGRCh3818183309
JHH-4not specifiednot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3818183309
JHH-5male50 yearsliver0.1TPMGRCh3818183309
PLC/PRF/5not specifiednot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3818183309
SNU-398not specifiednot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3818183309
C3Amalenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3818250103
HLEnot specifiednot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3818250103
HUH-6-clone5malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3818250103
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.07526TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2803TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.2272TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1846TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver0.4898TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.08253TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2493TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.2739TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.07132TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.09935TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1932TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.4109TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.1496TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.364TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.4585TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.09921TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1186TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1921TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1885TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3548TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2466TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.0762TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2661TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1205TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1741TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.4407TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3451TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.1606TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.08148TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.435TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2599TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1495TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.269TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1481TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.4264TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.4043TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.2301TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.02698TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.05954TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2866TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3887TPMGRCh3821081543
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female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3494TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1145TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearsright lobe of liver0.497TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1816TPMGRCh3821081543
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male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.3048TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1138TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.4924TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1162TPMGRCh3821081543
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male70 - 79 yearsright lobe of liver0.1459TPMGRCh3821081543
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male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.2329TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.04098TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1095TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2308TPMGRCh3821081543
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female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.2247TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.344TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.4224TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1211TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.2197TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1866TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.3979TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1928TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.2219TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.2925TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.115TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3834TPMGRCh3821081543
female70 - 79 yearsright lobe of liver0.08578TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2482TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3203TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1842TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3448TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.4116TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.2676TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.2625TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.07291TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.2227TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.2334TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.1648TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.07343TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1662TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.3961TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1385TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3538TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.04006TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1432TPMGRCh3821081543
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female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.1634TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.3974TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.2274TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.2094TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.06591TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.2589TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.375TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.08708TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1876TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.04662TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3812TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.09496TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.0936TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1865TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.3111TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.3856TPMGRCh3821081543
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female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.175TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.272TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1775TPMGRCh3821081543
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female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2011TPMGRCh3821081543
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male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.2698TPMGRCh3821081543
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