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Expression Data Report for gene LINC02972
Download Expression Data
Cell lineSexAgeTissueValueUnitAssemblyReference
not specifiednot availablesaliva-secreting gland0.4TPMGRCh3818182918
not specifiednot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3818182918
both28 days post conceptionliver0.3TPMGRCh3818182919
both35 days post conceptionliver0.4TPMGRCh3818182919
both42 days post conceptionliver0.2TPMGRCh3818182919
male17 yearsliver0.1TPMGRCh3818182919
male58 yearsliver0.1TPMGRCh3818182919
male7 - 9 monthsliver0.2TPMGRCh3818182919
female2 yearsliver0.2TPMGRCh3818182919
male29 - 39 yearsliver0.1TPMGRCh3818182919
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.2TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.3TPMGRCh3821081540
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malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.1TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.4TPMGRCh3821081540
female60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2692TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.06399TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.01288TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1539TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1089TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.03863TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3557TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.07955TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3234TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1223TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsanterior lingual gland0.0329TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.05414TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1143TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.06166TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.02028TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.06485TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.1397TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.3759TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.03378TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.03286TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2032TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.2714TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.08379TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.0828TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1012TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.3038TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1613TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.03266TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2058TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2145TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1136TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.06032TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.01869TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.03355TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.06101TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.0691TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.07861TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.3963TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1406TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.1627TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2882TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1634TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2307TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.03433TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.176TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.4699TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.05445TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.01375TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.08901TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1177TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.02597TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.03572TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.07396TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1508TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2651TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1956TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.08894TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1907TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearsanterior lingual gland0.09116TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.06099TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.4951TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1717TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver0.3049TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.3025TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1315TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.3912TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.09175TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.02958TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.06034TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1316TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.2631TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1296TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1228TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3063TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3484TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.3458TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.2055TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1317TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.04721TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearsright lobe of liver0.1056TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.04316TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.0247TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.02863TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1919TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.04671TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2109TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3922TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2585TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver0.1913TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.3297TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.03784TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.08886TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.01996TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.2742TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.07357TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.02058TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1897TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.05388TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1194TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1899TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.02984TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.05473TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsanterior lingual gland0.01226TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.02962TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2111TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.06989TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2435TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearsanterior lingual gland0.07716TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.2709TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.01323TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.03532TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2392TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2879TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.06686TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.4719TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1927TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.04239TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.03861TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearsright lobe of liver0.07937TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsanterior lingual gland0.4289TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.04467TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.4563TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.4488TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.4403TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.03001TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.02482TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3924TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.1488TPMGRCh3821081543
female70 - 79 yearsright lobe of liver0.02669TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.09984TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1487TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.07209TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.09178TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.1401TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.07936TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1829TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1019TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.07404TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.104TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2407TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.05723TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.01987TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.3602TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.1245TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1266TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.03079TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1903TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.2214TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.2248TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.353TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.04106TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1924TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1653TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1194TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.3978TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.2053TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.06954TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1708TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.09488TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsanterior lingual gland0.06891TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1384TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.06246TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2359TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsanterior lingual gland0.02445TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1748TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.05274TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.08019TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.178TPMGRCh3821081543
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female60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.09725TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.08468TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1894TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1937TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.4835TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.02275TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1225TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.08927TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.3216TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.1531TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1003TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.04244TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1641TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.01683TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.01296TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.02801TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.06217TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.06566TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1791TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.03401TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1538TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsanterior lingual gland0.04625TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.03503TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1376TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.19TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearsanterior lingual gland0.03761TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.4003TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1924TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.03329TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.05917TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.09627TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1354TPMGRCh3821081543
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male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.2425TPMGRCh3821081543
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female30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.06736TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.1129TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1304TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2628TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.3103TPMGRCh3821081543
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male20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver0.2751TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.08174TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.3043TPMGRCh3821081543
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female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.01502TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1547TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.3933TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1068TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver0.04155TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1541TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.03166TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1696TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1457TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.05935TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.06048TPMGRCh3821081543
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male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.03937TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.06627TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.2306TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.03492TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.04492TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.03171TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.136TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2104TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.1311TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1209TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.03292TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.06078TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.03227TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2355TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.4053TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.3581TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.375TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.02415TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.04622TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.4469TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1709TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.08385TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.4662TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.04587TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.1196TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.2649TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.05184TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.03466TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsanterior lingual gland0.07885TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.09754TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.4418TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.318TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1958TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.1988TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.03193TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsanterior lingual gland0.03533TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1303TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1652TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.0556TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsanterior lingual gland0.1138TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsanterior lingual gland0.03231TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver0.1325TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.07215TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.06976TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.3019TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsanterior lingual gland0.4688TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.07492TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.315TPMGRCh3821081543