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Expression Data Report for gene TMEM65
Download Expression Data
Cell lineSexAgeTissueValueUnitAssemblyReference
male37 yearsliver2.0TPMGRCh3818182915
male18 yearsliver2.0TPMGRCh3818182916
malenot availableliver0.7TPMGRCh3818182917
not specifiednot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3818182918
both70 days post conceptionliver2.0TPMGRCh3818182919
both77 days post conceptionliver2.0TPMGRCh3818182919
male84 days post conceptionliver3.0TPMGRCh3818182919
female91 days post conceptionliver2.0TPMGRCh3818182919
both112 days post conceptionliver5.0TPMGRCh3818182919
both126 days post conceptionliver4.0TPMGRCh3818182919
both133 days post conceptionliver4.0TPMGRCh3818182919
both28 days post conceptionliver6.0TPMGRCh3818182919
both35 days post conceptionliver5.0TPMGRCh3818182919
both42 days post conceptionliver2.0TPMGRCh3818182919
both49 days post conceptionliver4.0TPMGRCh3818182919
both56 days post conceptionliver2.0TPMGRCh3818182919
both63 days post conceptionliver1.0TPMGRCh3818182919
male17 yearsliver1.0TPMGRCh3818182919
male58 yearsliver2.0TPMGRCh3818182919
male7 - 9 monthsliver2.0TPMGRCh3818182919
male55 yearsliver2.0TPMGRCh3818182919
both15 daysliver7.0TPMGRCh3818182919
male7 yearsliver3.0TPMGRCh3818182919
female2 yearsliver4.0TPMGRCh3818182919
male29 - 39 yearsliver3.0TPMGRCh3818182919
female34 - 64 yearsgallbladder1.0TPMGRCh3818182933
malenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver10.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver1.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver7.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver1.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver8.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver6.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver8.0TPMGRCh3821081540
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malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver10.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver7.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver8.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver10.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver6.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver1.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver7.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
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malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver1.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver8.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver6.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver10.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver1.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver1.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver8.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver1.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver6.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver9.0TPMGRCh3821081540
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malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver1.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver7.0TPMGRCh3821081540
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malenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
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malenot availableliver6.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver8.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver8.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver1.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver9.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.6TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3821081540
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malenot availableliver6.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver6.0TPMGRCh3821081540
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femalenot availableliver6.0TPMGRCh3821081540
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malenot availableliver1.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver1.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver7.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver7.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver9.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver6.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver7.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver6.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver9.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver9.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver7.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.8TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver10.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver9.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver5.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver8.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3821081540
C3Anot specifiednot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3818183309
Hep G2male15 yearsliver7.0TPMGRCh3818183309
JHH-5male50 yearsliver6.0TPMGRCh3818183309
C3Amalenot availableliver4.0TPMGRCh3818250103
EGI-1malenot availablebile duct7.0TPMGRCh3818250103
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.783TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.776TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver1.859TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.581TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.499TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.9902TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.055TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver2.507TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.803TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.581TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.669TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver0.814TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.252TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.454TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.626TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.911TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver1.965TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.77TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.578TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.918TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.259TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.629TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.5344TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.479TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.595TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver3.34TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.9642TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.713TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver3.147TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.12TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver1.417TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.01TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.781TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.806TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.893TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.896TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.301TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.243TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.851TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.877TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.74TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.817TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver1.524TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.364TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.001TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.788TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.8067TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.338TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.559TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.437TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.855TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.7817TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.042TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver1.951TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.524TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.2TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.8268TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.43TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.068TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.878TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.716TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.957TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.708TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.747TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.078TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver2.361TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.222TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.293TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.714TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.079TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearsright lobe of liver1.858TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.716TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.375TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.031TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.878TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.081TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver2.348TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver2.421TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.043TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.531TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.525TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.309TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearsright lobe of liver2.18TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.098TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.726TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.405TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.448TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.7687TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.636TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.858TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.106TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.244TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.267TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.488TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.729TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.826TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.516TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.31TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.351TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.97TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver2.903TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.891TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.611TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearsright lobe of liver1.891TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.197TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.102TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.172TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.317TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.155TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.569TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.112TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.081TPMGRCh3821081543
female70 - 79 yearsright lobe of liver1.567TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.046TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.435TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.317TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.743TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.9875TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.101TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.436TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.634TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.653TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.729TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.776TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.447TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.68TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver2.162TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.209TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.354TPMGRCh3821081543
female70 - 79 yearsright lobe of liver1.277TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.064TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.917TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.833TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.467TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.48TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.71TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.581TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.608TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.144TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.514TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.993TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver1.714TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.872TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.68TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.767TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.501TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver1.327TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver1.14TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.355TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.005TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.25TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver1.683TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver1.01TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.172TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.035TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.002TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver5.368TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.307TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.984TPMGRCh3821081543
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female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.746TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver2.293TPMGRCh3821081543
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male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver1.191TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.695TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver1.363TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.448TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.056TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.554TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.324TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.962TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.742TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.763TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.058TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.42TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver2.223TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.508TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.073TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.658TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.63TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver2.217TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver1.66TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver2.492TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver3.363TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.763TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.154TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.7973TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.8638TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.256TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.833TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver2.523TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.204TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.2TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.244TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.292TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.637TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.151TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.483TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.013TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.064TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.753TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.688TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver2.871TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.7618TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.504TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.295TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.487TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver2.717TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver2.226TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.601TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver1.024TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.771TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver3.263TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver3.477TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.155TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.496TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.282TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearsright lobe of liver1.462TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver2.654TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.749TPMGRCh3821081543