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Expression Data Report for gene KLK12
Download Expression Data
Cell lineSexAgeTissueValueUnitAssemblyReference
not specifiednot availablezone of skin2.0TPMGRCh3818182918
malenot availablezone of skin1.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availablezone of skin1.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availablezone of skin0.9TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availablezone of skin0.8TPMGRCh3821081540
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.6212TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5695TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6017TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin3.036TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.546TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5242TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.527TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.7196TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.7674TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin4.499TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.711TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.5527TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.542TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin2.232TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.7179TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5903TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5211TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.695TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.077TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin2.994TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearslower leg skin2.271TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.015TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.5657TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin1.471TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5424TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.9327TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin0.5957TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.244TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6452TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.5778TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearslower leg skin1.222TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin1.959TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.8389TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssubcutaneous adipose tissue0.5797TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin1.322TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin1.758TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5125TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5898TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.6669TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.128TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.635TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.51TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.7537TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.8479TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.7875TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5505TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.314TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.8684TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.7529TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.8558TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.5246TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.937TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.084TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.606TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin2.268TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin1.323TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.5299TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6494TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.9817TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.9621TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.012TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearssuprapubic skin1.407TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.102TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.7895TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.7847TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.615TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.5353TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.7094TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5949TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.085TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.7014TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.8484TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.7439TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5002TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.8322TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin1.751TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.7158TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin7.012TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.8602TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5228TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.8537TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.8593TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.562TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.394TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearslower leg skin2.013TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin1.046TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.591TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin2.413TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.5151TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.867TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.144TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.7598TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin1.082TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin2.195TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6242TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.579TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5634TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.861TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.265TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.646TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5095TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.206TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin2.046TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.7065TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearslower leg skin1.277TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin4.032TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.9182TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.6837TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.7005TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.076TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearssuprapubic skin1.327TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.8381TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.122TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.113TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5778TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.6959TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.043TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.9863TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.446TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.6826TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.6231TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearssuprapubic skin0.6605TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6038TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.532TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.653TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.8326TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.7649TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.857TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5747TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.7652TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5936TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.711TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin5.497TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6755TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.9985TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.752TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.7057TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.7907TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearslower leg skin1.503TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearssuprapubic skin0.5383TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.8093TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.6345TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.5458TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.9244TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.285TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.036TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.193TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.7424TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.424TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5206TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.066TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.533TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.11TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6887TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.7766TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin5.595TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.044TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.7972TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.7379TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.157TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin1.764TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.867TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin4.304TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.9664TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.7464TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.8706TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin2.306TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin3.412TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5206TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.7143TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearslower leg skin0.5599TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5003TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.965TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.345TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.7487TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.5307TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.6398TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5013TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.149TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.6143TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin6.191TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.328TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin3.15TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.9753TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.139TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin2.344TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5745TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.6182TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.006TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.959TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.9296TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.7155TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.342TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.022TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin2.27TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin1.326TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearslower leg skin1.117TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin1.434TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.621TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.5815TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.9119TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin3.483TPMGRCh3821081543
female70 - 79 yearslower leg skin0.5058TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.011TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin2.251TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin3.314TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.9156TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.7693TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.109TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.245TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5399TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.9134TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.425TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5842TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.5256TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin2.996TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin3.483TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.9648TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.222TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin3.528TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.7557TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.7442TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.085TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin2.299TPMGRCh3821081543
female70 - 79 yearslower leg skin1.155TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin3.095TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.9367TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.9705TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.9294TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin5.109TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.9077TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.5507TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.018TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin3.17TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.5654TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.08TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5863TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin1.473TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.637TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.094TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin2.97TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssubcutaneous adipose tissue0.6228TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin5.265TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5223TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.217TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.647TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.6479TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.241TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearslower leg skin0.714TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.646TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin2.524TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin1.203TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.8817TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearslower leg skin0.5355TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearssuprapubic skin0.6691TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin2.374TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.85TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.293TPMGRCh3821081543
female70 - 79 yearssuprapubic skin0.5466TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.685TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.8807TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.6956TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.299TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssubcutaneous adipose tissue0.9699TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.561TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.6833TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5923TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5984TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.406TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.9328TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.385TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.9787TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin2.644TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.9254TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin1.378TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin4.381TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.6315TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5515TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin6.877TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5838TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.818TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearslower leg skin0.9164TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearssuprapubic skin3.599TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin9.564TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.6786TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.9056TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.6448TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.13TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.8806TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.8157TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin1.8TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5892TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.9313TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.631TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.604TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin2.447TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.765TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin2.537TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin1.496TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearslower leg skin1.623TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.211TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.8174TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.946TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.993TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.529TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.345TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5399TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.8203TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.21TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.728TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.54TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.201TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.012TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.9695TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.014TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5366TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.518TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.007TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.9251TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5336TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearssuprapubic skin0.5305TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.9071TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.609TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.9611TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5866TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.079TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.8679TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.344TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.8898TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin1.171TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.8094TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.9231TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.856TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6351TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.357TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5414TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.799TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.686TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.247TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.8223TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.557TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.6776TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.054TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.637TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin2.312TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.6579TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin3.824TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.9727TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5324TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.7799TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.8993TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.575TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.352TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5985TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.882TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.927TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.096TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.6059TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.37TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.7402TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5519TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.5721TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.7231TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.8477TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.6268TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.877TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.587TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.6724TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.744TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin2.925TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin2.186TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.523TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.013TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.301TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5067TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.258TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5346TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.7084TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.083TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.6063TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.8886TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5948TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.485TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.9204TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.6785TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.357TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.387TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin2.829TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin0.5904TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.6068TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin2.024TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.8204TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin1.095TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearslower leg skin0.7529TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.331TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5606TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5337TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5391TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.6671TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5318TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.6646TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.172TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.9213TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.7628TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin2.708TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.9746TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.7366TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.834TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6442TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.04TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.6738TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6512TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.8879TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin0.5559TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.8605TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.054TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5066TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin2.553TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.6171TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin2.773TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin2.483TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.342TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.266TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.8425TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.911TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.092TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.142TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.331TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5018TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearssuprapubic skin2.956TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.6728TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5982TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearslower leg skin0.9497TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6478TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5413TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.9356TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.92TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.461TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5465TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.085TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.8166TPMGRCh3821081543
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male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin1.107TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin3.718TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.188TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5124TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5951TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.338TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.7313TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin7.989TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearslower leg skin0.5129TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.145TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.8913TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.8407TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.356TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.3TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.152TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.8719TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.9667TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearssuprapubic skin1.944TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5064TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin4.169TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin2.894TPMGRCh3821081543
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male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.497TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.5994TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.7597TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.6037TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.362TPMGRCh3821081543
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female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.6556TPMGRCh3821081543
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male70 - 79 yearslower leg skin0.9666TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.7702TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin2.048TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.7283TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.635TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin2.93TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin1.377TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.5542TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.188TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.434TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6495TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.825TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.117TPMGRCh3821081543
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female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.078TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.034TPMGRCh3821081543
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female20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin0.7709TPMGRCh3821081543
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male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin2.998TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.848TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.052TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.402TPMGRCh3821081543
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male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin6.139TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin2.007TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.659TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.121TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.106TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.331TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.067TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin3.049TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.9257TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5917TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.546TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.53TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5518TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.7108TPMGRCh3821081543
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female20 - 29 yearslower leg skin1.798TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.7612TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.8881TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.793TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.791TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.9589TPMGRCh3821081543
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female20 - 29 yearslower leg skin1.247TPMGRCh3821081543
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male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.8878TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.178TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin4.542TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.866TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5031TPMGRCh3821081543
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female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.019TPMGRCh3821081543
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male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin1.151TPMGRCh3821081543
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male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin0.7951TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin1.423TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin8.6TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.7903TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.218TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.259TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.7899TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin1.277TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin1.001TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.218TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.579TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.9919TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin3.008TPMGRCh3821081543
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female30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.7696TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.977TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin4.896TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.8569TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin0.6912TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.6891TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.023TPMGRCh3821081543
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female30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.9088TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.946TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.448TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.8224TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.529TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin2.104TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin4.035TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.592TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.134TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.698TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.7738TPMGRCh3821081543
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female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.8482TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.6213TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.031TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.9466TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.415TPMGRCh3821081543
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female30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.6773TPMGRCh3821081543
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male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin1.239TPMGRCh3821081543
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male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin3.352TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.001TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin5.435TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.171TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5581TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin3.729TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6067TPMGRCh3821081543
male70 - 79 yearslower leg skin0.6675TPMGRCh3821081543
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female30 - 39 yearslower leg skin1.065TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.756TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin1.332TPMGRCh3821081543
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male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin7.085TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin2.764TPMGRCh3821081543
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male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.007TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.342TPMGRCh3821081543
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male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.8169TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin4.965TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.791TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.431TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5031TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin3.199TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.609TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin2.561TPMGRCh3821081543
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male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.6592TPMGRCh3821081543
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female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.012TPMGRCh3821081543
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male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.5103TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.9397TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.601TPMGRCh3821081543
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female60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5792TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5525TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.9656TPMGRCh3821081543
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male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.7264TPMGRCh3821081543
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female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.6093TPMGRCh3821081543
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male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.003TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin6.935TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.376TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.8503TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin2.97TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.268TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.9544TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin5.476TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5539TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.6304TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.7031TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.008TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.8475TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5318TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.6538TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin2.073TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin1.272TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin1.446TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.6899TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.029TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.6384TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.6888TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin2.021TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5998TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin0.5476TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.8171TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin0.5869TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin2.128TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.738TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.7121TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin10.26TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin0.694TPMGRCh3821081543
female20 - 29 yearslower leg skin0.7975TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearslower leg skin1.165TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.9847TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin1.51TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearssuprapubic skin4.219TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.521TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearslower leg skin3.387TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin2.771TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.9429TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.017TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.9522TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.6642TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.7275TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin1.37TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearslower leg skin1.27TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.6321TPMGRCh3821081543
female30 - 39 yearslower leg skin0.6603TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.9273TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.6593TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin1.745TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.7108TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearslower leg skin0.5519TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.5355TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.856TPMGRCh3821081543
male30 - 39 yearssuprapubic skin0.5766TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearslower leg skin0.5677TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearssuprapubic skin0.5758TPMGRCh3821081543
female60 - 69 yearslower leg skin1.326TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearssuprapubic skin8.189TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearslower leg skin1.999TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearssuprapubic skin0.7985TPMGRCh3821081543