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RGD ID: 1312388
Species: Mus musculus
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: Palb2
Name: partner and localizer of BRCA2
Acc ID: DOID:3459
Term: breast carcinoma
Definition: A breast cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. (DO)
Definition Source(s): "DO" "DO"
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
Palb2 ISOPALB2 (Homo sapiens)8554872ClinVarClinVar Annotator: match by term: Breast carcinoma | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Carcinoma of breastPMID:17200668 PMID:17200671 PMID:17200672 PMID:18302019 PMID:18987736 PMID:19763884 PMID:20091115 PMID:20122277 PMID:20412113 PMID:20582465 PMID:20589654 PMID:20722467 PMID:20852946 PMID:21165770 PMID:21285249 PMID:21365267 PMID:21618343 PMID:21932393 PMID:22052327 PMID:22241545 PMID:23448497 PMID:23555315 PMID:23824750 PMID:23935836 PMID:24061862 PMID:24136930 PMID:24206657 PMID:24415441 PMID:24556926 PMID:24728327 PMID:24949998 PMID:25099575 PMID:25117502 PMID:25186627 PMID:25225577 PMID:25330149 PMID:25356972 PMID:25447460 PMID:25452441 PMID:25479140 PMID:25666743 PMID:25741868 PMID:25794774 PMID:25959805 PMID:26083025 PMID:26270727 PMID:26283626 PMID:26315354 PMID:26467025 PMID:26564480 PMID:26689913 PMID:26720728 PMID:26845104 PMID:26878173 PMID:27038244 PMID:27099641 PMID:27106063 PMID:27153395 PMID:28158555 PMID:28279176 PMID:28492532 PMID:28709830 PMID:29052111 PMID:29478780 PMID:29625052 PMID:30086788 PMID:30113427 PMID:30833416 PMID:31159747 PMID:31312277 PMID:31570822 PMID:31586400 PMID:31636395 PMID:31757951 PMID:32295079 PMID:32546565 PMID:32554798 PMID:32658311 PMID:32853339 PMID:32885271 PMID:32997802 PMID:33471991 PMID:33674644 PMID:33964450
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