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1 Annotations Found.

An association has been curated linking Mt-nd1 and autosomal-mitochondrial sensorineural deafness in Rattus norvegicus.        

  • The association was inferred from sequence orthology (ISO)
  • The annotation was made from RGD automated import pipeline for ClinVar variants, variant-to-disease annotations and gene-to-disease annotations
  • The annotation has been inferred from sequence orthology with MT-ND1 (Homo sapiens) [(IAGP) inferred by association of genotype and phenotype]
  • 2 RGD objects have been annotated to autosomal-mitochondrial sensorineural deafness  (DOID:0111752)
  • 44 papers in RGD have been used to annotate Mt-nd1
  • Curation Notes: ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Deafness, sensorineural, autosomal-mitochondrial type
  • Original References(s): PMID:10521300 PMID:10577941 PMID:10633132 PMID:10661905 PMID:10788333 PMID:10915767 PMID:11174059 PMID:11230176 PMID:11388757 PMID:11857751 PMID:11870684 PMID:12031626 PMID:12054632 PMID:12127547 PMID:12372057 PMID:12624722 PMID:12655418 PMID:12920080 PMID:12939650 PMID:12955586 PMID:14699607 PMID:14755216 PMID:15708009 PMID:15841390 PMID:15917167 PMID:1613771 PMID:16152638 PMID:16168391 PMID:16375862 PMID:16458854 PMID:16631122 PMID:16826519 PMID:16935512 PMID:16955413 PMID:17341440 PMID:17637808 PMID:17698299 PMID:17723226 PMID:17999439 PMID:18386806 PMID:18790089 PMID:18820594 PMID:18830133 PMID:18983818 PMID:19196684 PMID:19196685 PMID:19376484 PMID:19475720 PMID:19687236 PMID:19818876 PMID:19835846 PMID:20100600 PMID:20111055 PMID:20172897 PMID:20301595 PMID:20353758 PMID:20416460 PMID:21047563 PMID:21162657 PMID:21205314 PMID:21329993 PMID:21495045 PMID:21504270 PMID:21725156 PMID:21777984 PMID:21811586 PMID:21828074 PMID:22223843 PMID:22475488 PMID:22879993 PMID:22992668 PMID:23256547 PMID:23525847 PMID:24033266 PMID:24252789 PMID:24651602 PMID:24703164 PMID:25155176 PMID:25515069 PMID:25741868 PMID:25744662 PMID:26497601 PMID:26822237 PMID:27427311 PMID:28049726 PMID:28520359 PMID:29805548 PMID:32906214 PMID:7689389 PMID:8285309 PMID:8414970 PMID:8687424 PMID:8817331 PMID:9039999 PMID:9111378 PMID:9164619 PMID:9315872 PMID:9391883 PMID:9490575 PMID:9779807 PMID:9831149 PMID:9887373 PMID:9915970 PMID:9950117

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