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1 Annotations Found.

An association has been curated linking Ucn and asthma in Rattus norvegicus.        

  • The association was inferred from expression pattern (IEP)
  • The annotation was made from Wu Y, etal., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Mar 10;341(2):532-40. Epub 2006 Jan 13.
  • 3 additional annotations were made from Wu Y, etal., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Mar 10;341(2):532-40. Epub 2006 Jan 13.
  • 354 RGD objects have been annotated to asthma  (DOID:2841)
  • 52 papers in RGD have been used to annotate Ucn
  • Curation Notes: associated with Hypersensitivity;mRNA, protein:increased expression:lung

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