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2 Annotations Found.

An association has been curated linking FGFR1 and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 2 with or without anosmia in Canis lupus familiaris.        

  • The association was inferred from sequence orthology (ISO)
  • The annotation was made from OMIM Disease Annotation Pipeline
  • The annotation has been inferred from sequence orthology with FGFR1 (Homo sapiens) [(IAGP) inferred by association of genotype and phenotype]
  • 23 RGD objects have been annotated to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 2 with or without anosmia  (DOID:0090083)
  • 0 papers in RGD have been used to annotate FGFR1

  • An association has been curated linking FGFR1 and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 2 with or without anosmia in Canis lupus familiaris.        

  • The association was inferred from sequence orthology (ISO)
  • The annotation was made from RGD automated import pipeline for ClinVar variants, variant-to-disease annotations and gene-to-disease annotations
  • The annotation has been inferred from sequence orthology with FGFR1 (Homo sapiens) [(IAGP) inferred by association of genotype and phenotype]
  • 23 RGD objects have been annotated to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 2 with or without anosmia  (DOID:0090083)
  • 0 papers in RGD have been used to annotate FGFR1
  • Curation Notes: ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 2 with anosmia | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 2 with or without anosmia | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Kallmann syndrome 2
  • Original References(s): PMID:10629055 PMID:10690855 PMID:10861678 PMID:10942429 PMID:11173846 PMID:12627230 PMID:14513299 PMID:1456217 PMID:14564217 PMID:14613973 PMID:15001591 PMID:15365636 PMID:15605412 PMID:15625620 PMID:15793702 PMID:16199547 PMID:16418210 PMID:16470795 PMID:16606836 PMID:16757108 PMID:16764984 PMID:16882753 PMID:16957473 PMID:17154279 PMID:17200176 PMID:17235395 PMID:17360555 PMID:17530415 PMID:17576681 PMID:17963255 PMID:18034870 PMID:18160472 PMID:18596921 PMID:18985070 PMID:19489874 PMID:19707180 PMID:19820032 PMID:20079901 PMID:20536592 PMID:20696889 PMID:21209029 PMID:21247312 PMID:21700882 PMID:22035731 PMID:22249004 PMID:22319038 PMID:22378383 PMID:23154428 PMID:23329143 PMID:23348397 PMID:23533228 PMID:23643382 PMID:23657145 PMID:23812909 PMID:24031091 PMID:24127277 PMID:24204987 PMID:24497711 PMID:24759409 PMID:25064402 PMID:25077900 PMID:25157968 PMID:25251565 PMID:25383892 PMID:25394172 PMID:25425165 PMID:25501157 PMID:25636053 PMID:25741868 PMID:25759380 PMID:26467025 PMID:26708526 PMID:26931467 PMID:26942290 PMID:27170295 PMID:27246988 PMID:27363716 PMID:27502037 PMID:27596331 PMID:27884173 PMID:27884859 PMID:28008864 PMID:28492532 PMID:28754744 PMID:28833369 PMID:28915117 PMID:29168297 PMID:29419413 PMID:30098700 PMID:30143558 PMID:30921766 PMID:31200363 PMID:31475041 PMID:31605817 PMID:31748124 PMID:31837199 PMID:31996231 PMID:32666525 PMID:32724172 PMID:32853167 PMID:33337535 PMID:33442024 PMID:33448156 PMID:33532864 PMID:33548149 PMID:33983622 PMID:34342100 PMID:34348883 PMID:35738466 PMID:6881209 PMID:7795583 PMID:7874169 PMID:8948562 PMID:9536098

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