Phenominer Database Results (2 results)


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Strain Phenotype Conditions Study Experiment Name Sex Age # of Animals Value Units SEM SD Method Method Duration Post Insult Time Value Record ID Study ID
WKY plasma corticosterone level controlled calorie content diet (100 % of calories) (for 14 days) Riviere G, et al., Hypertension. 2005 Nov;46(5):1169-74. Epub 2005 Oct 3. blood corticosterone amount female 0 days 6 123.0 ng/ml 32.0 78.38 radioimmunoassay 0.0 0 99072 2218
WKY plasma corticosterone level controlled calorie content diet (30 % of calories) (for 14 days) Riviere G, et al., Hypertension. 2005 Nov;46(5):1169-74. Epub 2005 Oct 3. blood corticosterone amount female 0 days 6 409.0 ng/ml 28.0 68.59 radioimmunoassay 0.0 0 99071 2218