Phenominer Database Results (6 results)


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Strain Phenotype Conditions Study Experiment Name Sex Age # of Animals Value Units SEM SD Method Method Duration Post Insult Type Post Insult Time Value Post Insult Time Unit Record ID Study ID
MWF afferent arteriolar plasma flow rate castor oil Fassi A, etal., Am J Kidney Dis. 1999 Feb;33(2):267-75. doi: 10.1016/s0272-6386(99)70299-4. kidney plasma flow trait male 133 days-147 days 7 282.0 nl/min 33.26 88.0 servo-null micropipette transducer method 0.0 0 110121 3163
MWF afferent arteriolar plasma flow rate cyclosporine A (50 mg/kg/d) (for 7 days) Fassi A, etal., Am J Kidney Dis. 1999 Feb;33(2):267-75. doi: 10.1016/s0272-6386(99)70299-4. kidney plasma flow trait male 133 days-147 days 6 184.0 nl/min 25.72 63.0 servo-null micropipette transducer method 0.0 0 110122 3163
MW afferent arteriolar plasma flow rate nephrectomy (for 28 days) then reserpine (5 mg/l) (for 21 days) and hydralazine (80 mg/l) (for 21 days) and controlled hydralazine content drinking water (25 mg/l) (for 21 days) Anderson S, et al., J Clin Invest. 1986 Jun;77(6):1993-2000. kidney plasma flow trait male 0 days 8 224.0 nl/min 18.0 50.91 servo-null micropipette transducer method 0.0 5/6 nephrectomy 28 days 101006 2561
MW afferent arteriolar plasma flow rate nephrectomy (for 28 days) then control condition Anderson S, et al., J Clin Invest. 1986 Jun;77(6):1993-2000. kidney plasma flow trait male 0 days 8 234.0 nl/min 16.0 45.25 servo-null micropipette transducer method 0.0 5/6 nephrectomy 28 days 101004 2561
MW afferent arteriolar plasma flow rate nephrectomy (for 28 days) then enalapril (50 mg/l) (for 21 days) Anderson S, et al., J Clin Invest. 1986 Jun;77(6):1993-2000. kidney plasma flow trait male 0 days 8 242.0 nl/min 17.0 48.08 servo-null micropipette transducer method 0.0 5/6 nephrectomy 28 days 101005 2561
MWF afferent arteriolar plasma flow rate cyclosporine A (50 mg/kg/d) (for 7 days) and lacidipine (1 mg/kg/d) (for 7 days) Fassi A, etal., Am J Kidney Dis. 1999 Feb;33(2):267-75. doi: 10.1016/s0272-6386(99)70299-4. kidney plasma flow trait male 133 days-147 days 7 186.0 nl/min 15.12 40.0 servo-null micropipette transducer method 0.0 0 110123 3163