Phenominer Database Results (48 results)


Table "column sort" updates the order of the bars in the chart.
Strain Phenotype Conditions Study Experiment Name Sex Age # of Animals Value Units SEM SD Method Method Duration Post Insult Type Post Insult Time Value Post Insult Time Unit Record ID Study ID
SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 8 0.62 mg/g 0.02 0.06 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64955 226
SS.LEW-(D2Rat199-D2Mco17)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 8 0.7 mg/g 0.03 0.08 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64963 226
SS.LEW-(D2Rat18-D2Chm277)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 6 0.66 mg/g 0.02 0.05 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64965 226
SS-Chr 19SHR/Rkb heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (0.2 %) (for 56 days) Wendt N, et al., J Hypertens. 2007 Jan;25(1):95-102. heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 20 0.51 mg/g 0.01 0.04 post excision weight measurement 0 0 66092 669
SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 8 0.59 mg/g 0.02 0.06 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64885 226
SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 7 0.57 mg/g 0.01 0.03 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64917 226
SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 10 0.62 mg/g 0.01 0.03 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64945 226
SS.LEW-(D3Mco21-D3Rat17)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 4 0.6 mg/g 0.0 0.01 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64947 226
SD heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio artificial aortocaval fistula (for 28 days) Wei CC, et al., PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e40110. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040110. Epub 2012 Jun 29. heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 8 0.9 mg/g 0.1 0.28 post excision weight measurement 0.0 ACF 28 days 99208 2278
SS/JrHsdMcwi heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio vehicle control condition Xu D, et al., Hypertension. 2011 Aug;58(2):303-9. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.110.166819. Epub 2011 Jul 5. heart right ventricle mass male 56 days 7 0.62 mg/g 0.03 0.08 post excision weight measurement 0.0 0 106582 3032
SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 11 0.59 mg/g 0.01 0.03 post excision weight measurement 0.0 0 64887 226
SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 7 0.56 mg/g 0.01 0.03 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64949 226
SS.LEW-(D16Rat12-D16Chm23)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 10 0.69 mg/g 0.01 0.03 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64911 226
SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 9 0.62 mg/g 0.03 0.09 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64919 226
SS.LEW-(D10Rat24-Igfbp4)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 5 0.62 mg/g 0.03 0.07 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64921 226
GK heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled air oxygen content (5 %) (for 28 days) Chen YC, et al., Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2016 Aug 1;311(2):R426-39. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00112.2016. Epub 2016 Jun 1. heart right ventricle mass male 16 days 7 0.48 mg/g 0.04 0.11 post excision weight measurement 0.0 0 103014 2784
SD heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio sham surgical control condition (for 105 days) Wei CC, et al., PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e40110. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040110. Epub 2012 Jun 29. heart right ventricle mass male 175 days 10 0.5 mg/g 0.1 0.32 post excision weight measurement 0.0 sham ACF 105 days 99209 2278
SS-Sod3m1Mcwi heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio vehicle control condition Xu D, et al., Hypertension. 2011 Aug;58(2):303-9. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.110.166819. Epub 2011 Jul 5. heart right ventricle mass male 56 days 10 0.61 mg/g 0.01 0.03 post excision weight measurement 0.0 0 106583 3032
SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 5 0.58 mg/g 0.01 0.02 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64899 226
SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-D17Chm2)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 5 0.63 mg/g 0.03 0.07 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64905 226
SS/JrHsdMcwi heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio monocrotaline (40 mg/kg) Xu D, et al., Hypertension. 2011 Aug;58(2):303-9. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.110.166819. Epub 2011 Jul 5. heart right ventricle mass male 56 days 11 1.16 mg/g 0.04 0.13 post excision weight measurement 0.0 0 106584 3032
LEW heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 6 0.54 mg/g 0.01 0.01 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64891 226
SS.LEW-(D17Chm9-D17Rat97)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 10 0.63 mg/g 0.02 0.06 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64903 226
SS/JrRkb heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (0.2 %) (for 56 days) Wendt N, et al., J Hypertens. 2007 Jan;25(1):95-102. heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 14 0.52 mg/g 0.02 0.07 post excision weight measurement 0 0 66090 669
Crlj:WI heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled air oxygen content (21 %) (for 28 days) Chen YC, et al., Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2016 Aug 1;311(2):R426-39. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00112.2016. Epub 2016 Jun 1. heart right ventricle mass male 16 days 6 0.29 mg/g 0.02 0.05 post excision weight measurement 0.0 0 103011 2784
Crlj:WI heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled air oxygen content (5 %) (for 28 days) Chen YC, et al., Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2016 Aug 1;311(2):R426-39. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00112.2016. Epub 2016 Jun 1. heart right ventricle mass male 16 days 7 0.34 mg/g 0.03 0.08 post excision weight measurement 0.0 0 103012 2784
SS-Sod3m1Mcwi heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio monocrotaline (40 mg/kg) Xu D, et al., Hypertension. 2011 Aug;58(2):303-9. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.110.166819. Epub 2011 Jul 5. heart right ventricle mass male 56 days 15 1.4 mg/g 0.08 0.31 post excision weight measurement 0.0 0 106585 3032
SS/Jr heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 16 0.69 mg/g 0.02 0.08 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64893 226
SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 5 0.51 mg/g 0.02 0.04 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64897 226
SS-Chr 19SHR/Rkb heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (4 %) (for 56 days) Wendt N, et al., J Hypertens. 2007 Jan;25(1):95-102. heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 20 0.57 mg/g 0.03 0.13 post excision weight measurement 0 0 66093 669
SS.LEW-(D18Chm56-D18Rat55)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 5 0.65 mg/g 0.04 0.09 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64895 226
SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 5 0.58 mg/g 0.03 0.07 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64940 226
SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 7 0.52 mg/g 0.03 0.08 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64934 226
SS.MNS-(D2Wox27-Adh1)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 5 0.63 mg/g 0.04 0.09 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64957 226
SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 8 0.59 mg/g 0.01 0.03 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64961 226
SD heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio artificial aortocaval fistula (for 105 days) Wei CC, et al., PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e40110. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040110. Epub 2012 Jun 29. heart right ventricle mass male 175 days 10 1.0 mg/g 0.1 0.32 post excision weight measurement 0.0 ACF 105 days 99210 2278
SS.LEW-(D16Rat38-D16Chm66)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 8 0.62 mg/g 0.02 0.06 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64913 226
SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 9 0.67 mg/g 0.04 0.12 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64930 226
SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 6 0.57 mg/g 0.01 0.02 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64901 226
SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 9 0.57 mg/g 0.0 0.01 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64909 226
SS.LEW-(D10Rat27-Igfbp4)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 7 0.56 mg/g 0.01 0.03 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64923 226
SS/JrRkb heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (4 %) (for 56 days) Wendt N, et al., J Hypertens. 2007 Jan;25(1):95-102. heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 14 0.58 mg/g 0.02 0.07 post excision weight measurement 0 0 66091 669
GK heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled air oxygen content (21 %) (for 28 days) Chen YC, et al., Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2016 Aug 1;311(2):R426-39. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00112.2016. Epub 2016 Jun 1. heart right ventricle mass male 16 days 5 0.4 mg/g 0.04 0.09 post excision weight measurement 0.0 0 103013 2784
SD heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio sham surgical control condition (for 28 days) Wei CC, et al., PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e40110. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040110. Epub 2012 Jun 29. heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 8 0.5 mg/g 0.1 0.28 post excision weight measurement 0.0 sham ACF 28 days 99207 2278
SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 9 0.6 mg/g 0.01 0.03 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64951 226
SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 5 0.61 mg/g 0.01 0.02 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64959 226
SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 5 0.56 mg/g 0.1 0.22 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64907 226
SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio controlled sodium content diet (2 %) (between 35 and 98 days) Duong C, et al., Mamm Genome 2006; 17(12): 1147-1161 heart right ventricle mass male 98 days 8 0.58 mg/g 0.03 0.08 post excision weight measurement 0 0 64915 226