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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abdominal lymph node morphology trait +  
afferent lymphatic vessel morphology trait 
efferent lymphatic vessel morphology trait 
lymph node cortex morphology trait +  
lymph node medulla morphology trait 
Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure, color, or pattern of the area of the lymph node through which lymph flows on its way to the efferent lymphatics; it contains macrophages and antibody-secreting plasma cells.
lymph node molecular composition trait +  
lymph node quantity 
lymph node size trait +  
lymph node trabecula morphology trait 
peripheral lymph node morphology trait +  

Exact Synonyms: medullary sinus morphology trait
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-8153-1691-7, MP:0002348

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