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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
aboral subdivision of organism +  
acellular bone tissue 
adenohypophysis +  
ambulacral area 
anal region +  
anterior abdominal wall +  
anterior chest +  
anterior region of body +  
appendage +  
appendage girdle complex +  
appendage girdle region +  
Aristotle's lantern +  
arthropod tibia 
autopodial extension +  
axillary tail of breast 
baleen plate +  
blind side 
body proper +  
body wall +  
bone condensation 
buccal papilla 
buccal vestibule 
calcareous tooth +  
camera-type eye +  
cellular bone tissue 
cheek pouch +  
chorioretinal region +  
ciliary muscle 
cranial neural crest +  
craniocervical region +  
dental plaque +  
dermis +  
diencephalon +  
digit plus metapodial segment +  
dorsal thoracic segment of trunk +  
dorsum +  
ear +  
Eimer's organ 
elasmoid scale +  
enteropneust collar +  
enteropneust proboscis 
enteropneust trunk 
external soft tissue zone +  
facial nerve +  
future tongue +  
gingival groove 
glial limiting membrane 
hair follicle matrix region 
heart +  
hip +  
incisor region of dentition 
infraclavicular region 
inguinal part of abdomen +  
inner cambium layer of periosteum 
inner limiting layer of retina 
insect labrum 
insect proboscis 
inter-ambulacral area 
interscapular region 
jaw region +  
A subdivision of the head that corresponds to the jaw skeleton, containing both soft tissue, skeleton and teeth (when present). The jaw region is divided into upper and lower regions.
labial commissure 
labial region 
lamprey sucker 
lateral lumbar region of abdomen +  
lateral side of chest 
lingual region 
lip +  
lower jaw region +  
main body axis +  
mantle +  
midbrain +  
mons pubis 
mouth floor 
mouth mucosa +  
nasal tentacle 
neck +  
neural crest +  
neural crest-derived structure +  
nipple +  
nose +  
ocular side 
odontode scale 
oral cavity 
oral gland +  
oral opening +  
oral subdivision of organism 
organismal segment +  
parasympathetic nervous system +  
parenchyma of thyroid gland 
pelvic region of trunk +  
periocular mesenchyme 
pharyngeal arch +  
pharyngeal arch artery +  
pituitary gland +  
posterior region of body +  
posterolingual region 
pterygomandibular raphe 
quadrant of breast +  
shoulder +  
skull +  
snout +  
space between upper and lower jaws 
spinal cord +  
stratum basale of epidermis +  
stria vascularis of cochlear duct +  
subdivision of head +  
subdivision of organism along appendicular axis +  
subdivision of organism along main body axis +  
subdivision of trunk +  
submandibular region 
temporomandibular joint +  
thyroid gland +  
tongue +  
tongue muscle +  
trunk neural crest +  
tunica fibrosa of eyeball +  
tunicate postabdomen 
ultimobranchial body +  
upper jaw region +  
uvea +  
vagus nerve +  
ventrum +  
vermilion +  
visceral hump +  
vomerine dentition +  
 gingiva +  
 jaw skeleton +  

Xrefs: EMAPA:32905 ;   NCI:C114916
Definition Sources:

paths to the root