distal cartilage of external anterior process of basipterygium
distal cartilage of internal anterior process of basipterygium
distal cartilage of middle anterior process of basipterygium
distal cartilage of posterior process of basipterygium
distal keel of metacarpal III
distal ureter +
dorsal fin actinotrichium
dorsal iliac process
dorsal iliac ridge
dorsal lateral plate region
dorsal nerve of clitoris
dorsal nerve of penis
dorsal patch of Leydig's organ
dorsal ridge
dorsal vessel heart
duct of bulbourethral gland
duct of epididymis
duct of lesser vestibular gland
duct of major vestibular gland
duct of seminal vesicle
ectepicondylar flange
ectepicondylar foramen +
ectocondylar tubercle
elastica externa of notochord
element Y of fore mesopodium
eminentia arcuata
endocardial ring +
endometrial stroma
endomysium +
entepicondylar foramen
epaxial musculature +
epicardial fat
epicardium +
epicondyle of humerus +
epididymal fat pad
epididymis +
epiphysis of femur +
epiphysis of fibula +
epiphysis of humerus +
epiphysis of metacarpal bone +
epiphysis of metatarsal bone +
epiphysis of phalanx +
epiphysis of radius +
epiphysis of tibia +
epiphysis of ulna +
esophagus smooth muscle circular layer
esophagus smooth muscle longitudinal layer
excurrent foramen of ectepicondylar foramen
external anterior process of basipterygium
extra-ocular muscle +
extraembryonic membrane mesenchyme +
extraembryonic mesoderm +
extraglomerular mesangium
eyelid subcutaneous connective tissue
fallopian tube +
fascia of Camper
femoral ridge
fibrous ring of heart +
fibular crest
fimbria of fallopian tube
flexural organ
floor plate +
floor plate of neural tube +
foramen nutritium exterius
foramen perforans carpi
foramen perforans tarsi
foramen primum
foramen secundum
fossula tuberis superioris
fovea capitis of femur
fovea capitis of humerus
fundus of urinary bladder +
gastro-splenic ligament
gastrophrenic ligament
genioglossus muscle
genital swelling +
glans +
glomerular basement membrane +
glomerular capillary +
glomerular endothelium +
glomerular mesangium +
A thin membrane which helps to support the capillary loops in a renal glomerulus. It is connective tissue composed of mesangial cells - myofibroblasts phenotypically related to vascular smooth muscle cells (muscle, smooth, vascular), phagocytes and the mesangial extracellular matrix.