A transverse flattened or cylindrical plate in the posterior body wall opposite the anterior ends of the pelvic fins, in front of the vent and at the posterior end of the body cavity, that supports a few anterior pelvic radials and a basal cartilage, the basipterygium. from Leonard J. V. Compagno. 2001. Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date. Volume 2.
puboischiadic plate
radial cartilage +
radial head of humerus
raphe of penis
raphe of perineum +
raphe of scrotum
recessus coccygealis
rectal diverticulum
rectouterine fold
rectus abdominis muscle +
remnant of cardiac valve
remnant of processus vaginalis
remnant of urachus
remnnant of ductus deferens
renal glomerulus +
rete ovarii
rete testis
retroperitoneal fat pad +
rhomboid pre-muscle mass +
rib cartilage element +
right atrium valve +
right renal pelvis
rostral blood island
round ligament of uterus
rugal fold of vagina
sac of scrotum
sacral lymph node +
sacral rib
sacral vertebra endochondral element +
scapula cartilage element +
Schweigger-Seidel sheath
sciatic notch +
scrotal sweat gland
scrotum +
scrotum skin +
secondary heart field +
section of aorta +
seminal vesicle +
seminiferous tubule of testis +
septum of scrotum
serosal nerve fiber of appendix
serous membrane +
sesamoid cartilage
sinotubular junction
sinus of Valsalva
skeleton of digitopodium +
skeleton of left pelvic girdle
skeleton of right pelvic girdle
skin of clitoris +
skin of iliac crest region
skin of penis +
small intestine smooth muscle circular layer
small intestine smooth muscle longitudinal layer
spina pelvis anterior
spina pelvis posterior
spiral valve of conus arteriosus
spleen B cell corona
spleen capsule
spleen follicular dendritic cell network
spleen germinal center
spleen lymphoid follicle +
spleen perifollicular zone
spleen primordium +
spleen pulp +
splenic cord
spongiose part of urethra +
spongiotrophoblast layer
stomach muscularis externa +
stomach smooth muscle circular layer
stomach smooth muscle inner oblique layer
stomach smooth muscle outer longitudinal layer
stroma of bone marrow +
styloid process of radius
styloid process of ulna
stylopodial skeleton +
subcutaneous adipose tissue +
subcutaneous lymph node
submucosa of fallopian tube
submucosa of urinary bladder +
subscapularis muscle
subserosa of fallopian tube
sulcus distalis ossis cruris
sulcus longitudinalis
sulcus pro musculo extensori cruris brevis
sulcus proximalis ossis cruris
superficial cervical fascia
superficial part of masseter muscle +
superficial part of temporalis
supinator process
supraacetabular buttress
supraacetabular crest
supraacetabular rim
supracondylar tubercle
supracondyle tubercle +
suprazygomatic part of temporalis
suspensory ligament of ovary
suspensory ligament of testis
teres major muscle +
teres major pre-muscle mass +
theca cell layer +
theca externa
theca interna
thoracic duct +
tibial crest
tibial plateaux
tibial tuberosity
trabecula carnea +
trabecula of spleen +
tracheoesophageal septum
transformed artery +
transformed vein +
transient cartilaginous element
transverse pelvic ridge
trapezius muscle +
trigone of urinary bladder +
trochanter +
trochanteric crest
trochanteric shelf
trochlea of humerus +
trochlear groove of humerus
trochlear notch
tubercle of calcaneus +
tunica vaginalis testis
ulnar condyle
ulnar metaphysis
ulnar notch of radius
ulnar tuberosity
upper part of cisterna chyli
upper part of vagina
urachus +
urachus mesenchyme
ureter +
ureteral orifice
ureteral valve
urethra +
urethra mesenchymal layer
urethra muscle tissue +
urethral crest +
urethral gland +
urethral meatus +
urinary bladder +
vacuolated notochordal tissue
vagina +
vagina orifice
vagina sebaceous gland
vaginal hymen
vaginal sphincter
venous valve +
ventral humeral ridge
ventral marginal cartilage
ventral patch of Leydig's organ
ventral ridge system
ventral tubercle of humerus
ventral wall of dorsal aorta
vertebra cartilage element +
vertebral arch of sacral segment
vesicular appendage of epoophoron
visceral serous membrane +
wall of blood vessel +
wall of fallopian tube
wall of heart +
wall of ureter +
wall of urethra +
wall of urinary bladder +
wall of vagina
Y-shaped fibrocartilage skeleton of ventral pouch +