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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
acellular bone tissue 
Mineralized bone tissue that has terminally differentiated osteoblasts but lacks osteocytes.
adenohypophysis +  
bone condensation 
calcareous tooth +  
camera-type eye +  
cellular bone tissue 
chorioretinal region +  
ciliary muscle 
cranial neural crest +  
dermis +  
diencephalon +  
ear +  
Eimer's organ 
elasmoid scale +  
facial nerve +  
glial limiting membrane 
hair follicle matrix region 
heart +  
incisor region of dentition 
inner cambium layer of periosteum 
inner limiting layer of retina 
jaw region +  
lower jaw region +  
midbrain +  
nasal tentacle 
neural crest +  
neural crest-derived structure +  
odontode scale 
parasympathetic nervous system +  
parenchyma of thyroid gland 
periocular mesenchyme 
pharyngeal arch +  
pharyngeal arch artery +  
pituitary gland +  
skull +  
spinal cord +  
stratum basale of epidermis +  
stria vascularis of cochlear duct +  
thyroid gland +  
trunk neural crest +  
tunica fibrosa of eyeball +  
ultimobranchial body +  
upper jaw region +  
uvea +  
vagus nerve +  
vomerine dentition +  

Definition Sources: PSPUB:0000170

paths to the root