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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
anterior lateral line neuromast 
dorsal lateral line neuromast 
infraorbital lateral line neuromast 
Jakubowski's organ 
mandibular lateral line neuromast 
middle lateral line neuromast 
occipital lateral line neuromast 
opercular lateral line neuromast 
otic lateral line neuromast 
posterior lateral line neuromast 
Neuromast that is part of the posterior lateral line. Kimmel et al, 1995. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.).
primary posterior lateral line primordium 
secondary posterior lateral line primordium 
supraorbital lateral line neuromast 

Exact Synonyms: neuromast posterior ;   neuromasts posterior
Xrefs: ZFA:0000940
Definition Sources: ZFIN:curator

paths to the root